The Only Chapter In This Story

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Disclaimer: I do not own any of the Characters. So, i know its been a long ass time since ive written anything on here lol. Im just gonna post some of my fics from ao3 because honestly I miss the live comments. :)

Tucking Mar'i in was always a treat-- something Dick loved to do, but something he rarely had the time for. Kori-- the fierce and beautiful woman she was-- had dedicated a lot more time to giving Mar'i a stable, safe home. It was something Dick wanted to do, especially when he realized how much of Mar'i's life he was missing, but...

He tried it. He did-- and it never worked. His family relied on him too much, the community relied on him too much. And, if he were being honest, he couldn't sit by without donning the mask every night, not when he knows he could make a difference.

"Daddy," Mar'i caught his attention, snuggled with the Batman plushy Roy had bought as a joke. Her eyes watched him intensely, the iris just a bit too bright to be human. "Do you love mommy?"

Dick was taken aback, unsure of where the question came from. Buried in her blankets and mountain of pillows, Mar'i looked uncharacteristically shy. Scared, even. Dick sat next to her, resting a gentle hand on her head.

"Of course." He ruffled her hair slightly, leaning in to kiss her forehead.

"And mommy loves you," She murmured.

"She does." Dick watched her silently. It wasn't something Mar'i usually asked-- Dick didn't expect her too. In his experience, most kids wouldn't question how much their parents loved each other. Not without reason-- and Dick had a feeling he knew exactly what reason made Mar'i ask. "Something bothering you?"

Tears started to gather at the corner of her eyes as she shook her head violently, but Dick waited her out, knowing she just needed to gather the strength.

"One of the girls in school--" She whispered, burying her face in the plushy, "-- she said that you can't be a mommy or a daddy if you're not soulmates. But that's not true."

Dick could feel his heart crushing at the sight of Mar'i's tears, and he cooed, "Of course it's not true." He pulled her in his lap, tucking her head in his shoulder. She didn't sob, rather letting her tears flow down her face.

"She said that you wouldn't love each other forever. That you'd-- you'd leave each other. But that's not gonna happen, right?"

Dick's heart stopped for a moment. Tameranians didn't have soulmates-- not like earth did. They would call someone a soulmate, sure, but it was a choice. Hell, Kori had even explained to him that she already saw in color, something Dick would never know.

Dick... he was too old to find his soulmate. It wasn't common, but to be mateless... it was something Dick had come to terms with years ago, when the last of his friends had found their significant other. If it hadn't been for the conception of Mar'i, Dick would have stayed unmarried and wandering.

It wasn't common for the mateless to stay committed, but for Mar'i, Dick would try anything.

"It's not going to happen," he said, laying Mar'i back down. "It's getting late, baby. Go to sleep."

She didn't look convinced, but Dick supposed there was nothing more they could do but show her the commitment they had to one another. With another kiss to her forehead, he left the room.

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