26 | theater doze

Start from the beginning

"Go away, Mom. I don't wanna go to school today," he mumbles incoherently.

The lights brighten as Juliet wakes up but Vaughn continues sleeping. I gape at him, unable to believe that he fell asleep after lecturing me all day about how he keeps his promises. His head drops further down, his large body cramping in the small seat and yet, he doesn't wake up.

As the drama ends, I see couples kissing each other, impressed by the actors' performances and rekindling their love. The audience erupts in cheers, clapping enthusiastically while my husband continues snoring, making me flush with embarrassment when people leaving the balcony give me sympathetic looks. I smile at them awkwardly.

Screw you, Jackson.


"Claire, please look at me," Vaughn pleads as we climb the stairs of the house to go to our room. "I'm sorry. I was just tired."

"You fell asleep," I remind him as I enter our room and switch the lights on. He has been begging me to talk to him ever since I hit him awake in the theater.

He grabs my elbow and makes me turn to him. "I was tired," he repeats. "I had a long day. I didn't want to fall asleep. You could have woken me up!"

"I did. You thought I was your Mom."

He blinks and a look of realization crosses his face. He closes his eyes and covers them with a hand.

"Shit, Claire...I'm so sorry." He withdraws his hand and takes a step towards me. I stare blankly as he puts his arms around my waist. "Let me make it up to you."

His fingers draw slow circles on my hips as he starts to inch a hand up my skirt, grazing the skin of my thigh with light touches. My legs start to weaken, goosebumps rising fast.

"Vaughn, I don't—"

I am cut off when he kisses me, shutting me up with a delicate flick of his tongue. I groan into his mouth, cupping his face with one hand and grabbing his shirt with the other. His touch is featherlight, birthing new butterflies in my belly.

He has taken his suit off and loosened his tie. The hard muscles underneath the cotton shirt urge me to touch him bare.

"It was just a little slip," he whispers as his mouth moves to my neck and he nips at my skin. "I kept my part of the bargain all day. It's your turn now."

His knuckles brush against my underwear, pressing at my sex.

"Ah...Vaughn!" I yelp when he pinches lightly at my spot, sending jolts of firing current through my body.

A smile shapes his lips. "I love it when you moan my name like that."

He showers me with more kisses, sliding lower until his nose is pressed against the exposed parts of my cleavage through my blouse. He drags his teeth against the neckline of my top, pulling it lower.

I let him do as he pleases. If he thinks he can get away with sleeping on me then he is in for some torture.

He pushes me a little and I find myself being dropped on the huge bed. I watch him as he pulls open his tie and unbuttons the top three buttons of his shirt before leaning in. He doesn't go for my lips first but instead grabs a mound of my ass with a hand and squeezes hard.

I yelp again and the sound deflates to a moan when he bites my nipple through my clothes, teasing me. His hardness presses against my thigh as he finds the waistband of my underwear and pushes it aside, leaving me bare to his touch.

"So wet..." he groans, pushing his hips against mine.

In this position, his erection through his dress pants hits my spot and I have to bite my lip to stop myself from crying out at the sensation. It is deliriously good.

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