chapter.3 sweet discussions (2)

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Welcome back friends to chapter 3 part 2
       Enjoy.  -Querencia💘


(Nathalie-  "if this a dream please don't end...

Nathalie was calmly resting her head when suddenly she felt movement from the chair gabrial was sat slumped over in.

"Ugh what time is it..."

Gabrial said with a yawn or two in between.

"haha looks like someone was up late last night huh?"

Nathalie said completely breaking character gabrial was taken back at that fact she had laughed also a bit flustered she had the sweetest laugh he had ever heard emillie's laugh could never compare the way her hair was neatly draping her shoulders her beautiful eyes and face, gave gabrial butterfly's something he thought only emillie could give him. He soon snapped back to reality.

"Ah yes I was up particularly late last night, watching over you along side duusu who was seated near your chest so she could hear your heart beat she should be in her Miraculous now though.

" sir... I..I"

"What's wrong my dear, do you feel a coughing fit coming on Hold up I can!!?-

Gabrial said in a hury to try to get her some water and her cough drops
Though the did very little, the still slightly helped which was enough to nathalie, but to gabrial it very much wasn't. Gabrial knew that the only to help her get better was proper bed rest and no more use of the peacock miraculous. Those terms were ok with gabrial, but for nathalie no they weren't.

" whoa whoa whoa, please calm down sir!-"

"Nathalie I thought we were past the formalities".

Gabrial said in a rather said tone, nathalie was still way to up tight around even though they had become more of friends than just boss and assistant.

" please call me gabrial or Gabe if you want"

"o..ok sir-..I mean gabrial".

Gabrial had heard his name spoken by lots of people but nothing to compare to her sweet melody like voice was absolutely beautiful in every way.

" ok nathalie now back to the main project. "

"What about it? Gabrial is there something you need Me for."

"no. I don't need your help and even if I did I would never allow myself to ask for it.

Gabrial had turned to his stern voice, he didn't want to even bring her to lair with him, he wanted her to stay in bed while he akumatized the new villain, he was also thinking about fighting along side it to try to help a bit.

" gabrial... Please I..I just want to help..."

"I know you do nathalie but I can't risk losing you as well.."

Gabrial let out a sigh as he looked at nathalie's pitifully face, she wanted to help so badly.

"fine you can come as well, but you must not stray of alone this Time do you understand me, you also have to stay close or in reach of me if i let you go out with me. I will not repeat myself

Nathalie felt there were way to many things she needed to do but kept her mouth shut since she didn't want him changing his mind.

"Understood, thank you gabrial."

"your welcome, see you in a few minutes."

Gabrial said as he closed the door and walked down to his office were he soon transformed, in his lair as he was unfortunately waiting for mayura to make her entrance.

About thirty minutes had past and mayura had took her place beside Hawkmoth, as they found and akumatized reflecta and amukatized reflectdoll. They weren't very strong but Hawkmoth and hopefully not mayura would be helpful so it might help a bit.

"Hahaha, things are going perfectly!!, now to make it harder, mayura I'm going put you stay here!

Hawkmoth said as he was held back by mayura. Nathalie wasn't having any of this she wanted to help Hawkmoth not monitor the fight.

" NO I'm coming with you I haven't had any dizzy spells in almost two weeks now and my coughing fits have dilled down, so let me help, please!

Mayura was both mad and upset over this she wouldn't stop pestering Hawkmoth nor would she let him go till he agreed, and he sadly had no other choice but to let her come along.

"Fine but remember what I told you!"

"I will I swear!!"

Of chapter.3 hope you enjoyed, see you soon


His sweet RevengeOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant