Marc: Fine but only because you dropped to your knees for me and that was fun to watch. Now i can tell everyone, even the internet that Noah Beck, begged me while he was on the ground at my foot *laughs*

Noah: I really dont care what you tell them. *runs over to Dixie, sits next to her, rests her head on his lap, turns her to face his, rubs her legs with one hand and caresses her head with the other hand* I want you to cry and let it all out. Dont keep anything inside of you. Let out all the pain, anger, hatred, everything that you are feeling, just let it out

Dixie: *still zoned out*

Noah: Im taking her outside in the lawn *picks Dixie up with his hand holding her butt, her arms around his neck and face in his shoulder as he begins to walk out*

Marc: Noah, if you do that, i will ruin everything little that you have left

Tim: And i wil help him make sure that everything is completely destroyed

Noah: *stops walking and turns around to face them* I could care less because i have nothing important in my life, material stuff dont bother me at all. Dixie is the most important person in my life and i will make sure she is okay rather than cry about material stuff *starts walking outside* you know what, im carrying her in her room and staying with her until she is better *walks up to Dixie room, locks the door, sits on the bed with Dixie in his lap and hugs her tightly*

*Meanwhile downstairs*

Charli: I dont think Noah will be leaving her anytime soon. She will act like a child just for him to stay

Tatum: Yeah

Marc: Well make yourself comfortable in the guest rooms upstairs, if you need anything go take it yourself or call us if you cant find it. Good night

*everyone goes to their rooms and falls asleep*

*With doah*

Noah: *rubs her back* Dix, babygirl im going to put you down to use the restroom really quick ok?

Dixie: *shakes her hesd no*

Noah: I really need to use the restroom Dix. I will be back in 2 minutes, i promise

Dixie: *mumbles in his chest* Dont let go off me please

Noah: But i really need to go

Dixie: *mumbles in his chest* Then put me on your back and go

Noah: But Dix

Dixie: *mumbles in his chest* Please, i dont want you to let go off me

Noah: Ok, i wont

*Noah puts Dixie on his back, uses the restroom while Dixie closes her eyes, washes his hand, sits on the bed and puts Dixie on his lap. He adjusts himself and lays down with Dixie completely on his chest not letting go*

Noah: Dix, i know its more than not being pregnant that has you like this, what is bothering you?

Dixie: What is wrong with me. Why do i throw up everyday and feel so weak if im not pregnant? Am i going to die Noah? *looks up at him*

Noah: You will not die, your probably just really sick. If you dont get better soon, i will carry you by the doctor for a check up, ok?

Dixie: Ok

Noah: You know you are gorgeous right *kosses her head*

Dixie: *smiles* I wanna stay like this forever and ever

Noah: Me too. Wanna watch a movie?

Dixie: No

Noah: So what do you want to do?

Dixie: Just lay ontop you, like i am right now, and talk to you

Noah: About?

Dixie: Anything, it could be any topic, i just want to talk to you

Noah: Can i ask something

Dixie: Mhmm

Noah: Were you heartbroken when you found out that you arent pregnant?

Dixie: I really wanted to be pregnant. When you told me that we have our own money through tiktok and that we will be able to raise a kid and start our own family, i was really excited. I thought that maybe a kid would be our escape from the horrible life that we have but sadly im not pregnant. When i saw on the test that im not pregnant, i felt like my world was ending, like i disappointed you because i put all my hopes into being pregnant

Noah: One day you will be pregnant, i hope with my baby, and we will have the best life ever

*They talk for a few hours and then fall asleep cuddling in the same position*

Word Count: 1340words

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