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The next morning I woke up before he did. This time I actually stopped and talked to my second family before leaving. They ignored the bandages and let me leave since I had to go home and get ready for school. As soon as I got home I was happy to see my dad wasn't in the kitchen, probably sleeping in which he deserves.

I ran..well kinda hobbled to my room to get in the shower and change my clothes. I pulled the bandages off and let the burning water hit the new forming scars. I kept my hair down today, and for clothes I decided on black jeans and a black hoodie. My eyes had bags under them, and I just looked terrible in the face...

I drove to school, and walked into my first hour at least 5 minutes late. "Mr.Yang you weren't here yesterday, and now you are late?"

"...I'm sorry Mrs.Rodriguez it won't happen again."

I tightly held my mouth close to stifle my yawn while walking to my seat after she nodded. I didn't have this class with Alex...thankgod, but I did have to sit in between the twins. When I sat down I felt a pair of eyes on my...or more like my hoodie. I pulled my hoodie over my hands as if they could see through the black hoodie feeling their eyes watch the movement.

Feeling stupid I ignored their stares the rest of class, and when the bell rang I was the 3rd one out. I was speeding down the hall to my next class and bumped into the amazing Alex

"W-hey baby what's the rush"

"J-just trying to get to class."

He nodded and walked past me...well not before forcing me to makeout with him in the middle of the hallway reminding everyone once again that I'm his. Do I have friends? No , Alex scared everyone off. I guess Alex is skipping today; he's going the opposite way. Glad I don't have to deal with his possessive stare during class. I once again made my way to the back of the class, so I could watch everyone

First June...my ex-girlfriend. Dyed green hair, hazel eyes, pale skin, dimples, and a double lip ring. We ended things on good terms...feelings just got lost. We tried to be friends, but you know who got in the way. She still texts me every once in a while to make sure I'm okay, and I do the same to her.

I ran my eyes over other people before they once again stopped at Xander. I looked away quickly this time remembering what happened.


I turned the corner of the hallway that led to the bathroom, and did not expect to see Alex making out with the twink from gym class. I hate myself for being hurt, because no matter what he does to me there's still that part of me that loves him. I gasped, and his head snapped towards me. I expected to see some type of remorse, or guilt in his eyes--- Instead he ignored my presence, and went back to kissing the twink like I wasn't even there. That...hurt

I felt my eyes tear up, while I continued walking to the bathroom.


Are you really crying because your abusive boyfriend is cheating on you? Boo fucking hoo if I were you I would be celebrating...oh wait I am you. STOP FUCKING CRYING!

I wiped my face with the back of my hoodie, and did my business. When I came out of the stall I came face to face with Alex. He opened his arms obviously wanting me to fall into them like a little bitch, but I ignored his arms. I saw him out of the corner of my eye while washing my hands trying to contain his anger.

When I sniffled his anger quickly vanished and was replaced with guilt. I surprised myself by not falling for it this time


He actually looked helpless for a second, actually looked like he wanted to break down for me, but instead the look I received for a second and wanted left and in its place I got humor. Glad to know he now found the situation funny. No matter how much he hurts me I hate that I can't get through to him.I know the Alex I first met is there, and is dying to come out. Some hurt...some trauma has made him turn into some evil careless bastard who loves to hurt me.

I just want him to love me...and even If I somehow got that real Alex back. I don't think I could ever forgive him. That's A lie...I could forgive, but I couldn't forget. He may have demons, but he is my demon. The demon I can't seem to get away from' Not only am I not strong enough both physically and mentally I'm destroyed. Maybe I deserve everything that comes from him.

Everything happens for a reason right? Maybe my life was already so worthless it didn't matter if I became his punching bag.

"Because I wanted to"


"Shut Up" he smacked me

"I didn't tell you to speak"

I lifted my hand and placed it to my cheek looking at him with teary eyes. He cheated, but I'm the one who got smacked. Just then both the twins walked into the bathroom...taking in how the scene looked. I instantly dropped my hand, wiped my eyes, and looked towards Alex. His definitely blaming me for this whole thing in his head right now

"Come to my house tonight" he said before walking out and roughly pushing past the twins.

Xander started walking towards me, making me step back until my back hit the wall.

"What was that" he asked

I was slightly taken back by the soft tone of his voice, but ignored it. He lifted his hand towards my face and I flinched back. He paused and stared at me. I looked anywhere and everywhere, but him. Sadly my eyes landed on Drew who had the same look of concern I didn't want to see from Xander.

I took my now wide eyes from Drew back to Xander when I felt his hand on my cheek.

"W-w-what are you doing...?"

"Wiping your tears pet"

I ignored the weird giddy feeling inside of me when he said that name

"I'm n-not a fucking dog" I spat

The movement of his fingers stopped and I shockingly had to stop myself from whining out loud. He moved his head from side to side before looking back at his brother


"Hm?" Drew responded, and for some reason was smiling like a psycho

"Is he talking to me?"

"I think so brother"

"No no" he laughed "he gotta be talking to you"

"He definitely aint talking to me"

Before I could even ask them what the fuckery they were on a knee placed in between my legs right under my crotch, and I hand was wrapped around my throat.

"What the fu-"

"Watch that mouth of yours baby before I put something in it."

I heard Drew laugh "no brother the slut might like that"

Xander was looking me directly in my eyes before smirking

"Looks like the doggy has a degrading kink Drew..."

Okay...no the fuck I don't he was just right about me liking somethin- shit I have a boyfriend. I tried to push Xander off of me, but that just ended with him pushing his knee against my crotch, and me fighting to contain a moan.

"I wouldn't try moving if I were you pet"

I was slightly scared of his hands around my throat. Too many hurtful experiences with Alex, but at the same time it was very...pleasurable. He tightened his hold on my neck and that's when I let a sound slip out.

"no...Drew I found his real kink"

"And what's that?" Drew responded

I could literally hear the smirk in his voice

"Breath play..."

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