I hate this thing

Start from the beginning

my eyes narrow "Aren't you a crescent? Don't you have the pack?"

"Hayley left and Jackson was head. She chose your family over her own kind. Don't you see? The pack means nothing. She means nothing!"

Okay this wolf is crazy

"You can't help them. The Hollow wants power. The kind that only comes from sacrifice. Those kids will die so it can get stronger. And it will feed. And it will rise. And we will all bow before it. The great best. Even you. My only mercy is I won't be here to see it"

then she slits her throat

"She was crazy" I sing turning to Marcel

he laughs


Vincent, Elijah, and dad come out

"Where's Hope" Elijah asks as he was with Vincent

"Probably with her mother" I snort "Didn't think you were so daft"

dad smiles

"The kids are attached to the spell: if we save the kids, we save your little girl" Vincent says

"And the sooner you all can be on your way" Marcel says

I scoff "We got it Marcel we're not aloud to be here you don't have to keep telling us"

"Tactless savages holding a ghost-raising rave. Best make short work of them. I say we..."

"We split up" Marcel says "Klaus, Samael, you two are with me, I'm not letting either of you out of my sight. Anybody got a problem with that...I don't give a damn"

that's when we leave

"I assume you embark upon this journey out of the kindness of your heart?" dad says

"There are kids in trouble. Yours included"

"It's a bit late for you to suddenly care about my child, give you left her and my son fatherless for five years"

"Well, speaking form experience, I figured I was doing them a favor. I mean....you didn't speak to Samael until he was like eight"

"Careful. Lest your insults mar an already tentative peace" dad growls

I sigh "Would you two quit with the who dick's bigger then who's battle because we all know mine is"

they both laugh

"Remember when that seer kissed you?" dad asks "do you still feel the same way"

"Well" my eyes narrow "I don't have to answer that"


we get the place dad throws a tree branch and kills the leader.

"Hey, we got to get the kids. Get the kids!" Vincent yells

some dude raises a talisman

"Vinculum mond sa. Vinculum mond sa"

I grab this dude by the neck

"You can't stop what's coming"

then I brake his neck


somehow dad and I ended up in a different dimension

"Where are we" I ask

"Don't look into the blue light" dad instructs

so I look away from the light


dad approaches me in the compound "Afraid of your own father.....I suppose a deep rooted fear from when you were younger"

um not dad? "I'm not afraid of him....I'm not afraid of anyone"

"You're terrified that he'll go back to ignoring you once again" this is creepy in dads voice

"I am not"

he smiles "Poor, poor, Samael, the least loved of everyone. Your father loves Hope more then you, and of course your mother never loved you" his eyes flash blue

I run out the house

"You know...you're father gets so many people killed. What's not to make Hope next of his death list"

the Hollow turns to Hope with not heart "Why would you let him get me killed, bubby"

back to dad "I get everyone killed"

the Hope "I'm not safe"

dad "All you have to do is kill me"

"What do you get out of this" I growl "Or is this just a game"

Hope "It's just a game. A very fun game at that. Son kills father or father kills son"

and now it's dad again "You are here for a sacrifice"

"Either Klaus or you. Two powerful souls, both fighting to the death. It could of been Marcel but I like the cemetery of you two" the Hope look alike says

not it's dad again "Now, isn't that wonderful"

I grab the illusions throat only for it to be revealed as Freya

"SAMMY! Hey! It's me" I release her throat "So it's happening to you as well. We need to fix this"

I'm your kid too, father Where stories live. Discover now