Meeting Eachother;)

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Okay y'all I don't know when they met but ima put a random year where it's in high school!
Also this is a flashback of how that all started I think this one and the next couple of chapters will be flashbacks and then I will continue on with their story like in the movies!

Deenas POV:
It's the first day of Junior year and let's be honest who the hell is excited for the first day of school?

I'm currently getting ready and yelling at Josh to let Kate and Simon come in because they're knocking the door. "JOSH GET THE DOOR"

He didn't listen so I had to go get the door. "Hey guys come in" they both walked in and Kate said "Ready for first day of Junior Year Deena!" "No not at all come on who the hell is excited for a new year in shit hell In shittyside" Simon just laughed at my statement and said "True"

"Okay guys let's go" Josh Simon and Me just followed her to her car

We had just gotten there and I was internally groaning because I didn't want to be there I mean nothing good ever happens in Shadyside all the good things are always in Sunnyvale.

We were all walking inside and we parted ways with Josh "Later loser" I told him and just kept walking with Kate and Simon to our lockers. I had met Kate in our Freshman year after a stupid senior was hitting on her and she seemed very uncomfortable.

I'm looking at a girl with black hair she looks very uncomfortable. I got a bit closer and hear that the dude kept on asking her out regardless of her saying no. No wonder she looked so uncomfortable!

I walked up to both and wrapped my arm around her and said "hey love ready to go" she looked up to me in shock but said "hi yes yeah I'm ready to go" she turned to the guy and said "it was nice meeting you" and we both walked away.

I had then unwrapped my arm from around her and said "are you okay" "yes thank you so much for saving me from any more awkward and uncomfortable conversation anymore" I chuckled and stuck out my hand "Deena nice to meet you" she then stuck out her hand and said "Kate, pleasure."

End of Flashback

From there our friendship had started and as for Simon me and Kate had just gone to the grocery store where he works at and he was our cashier and we had just clicked as friends and we started hanging out and here we are!

The first bell for class went off and all of us three went our separate ways to class and of course my first class of the day just had to be geometry!

I walked to the back of the class and sat on an empty seat. Class started and I continued on with my day until lunch time.

It was now lunch time and I was waiting on Kate and Simon by my locker. Next thing I know is that both say that for one Kate had Cheer practice right now and Simon had to go to the grocery because he was called in on a emergency.

I groaned but I couldn't blame them. Then just knowing that I had no one else I went to the bathroom but when I was walking in a girl with blond-ish brown-ish type of hair walked out and we both crashed into each other making us both fall and her landing on top of me!

We both groaned at the hard impact and just stayed laying on the floor until she realized that she was laying on top of a total stranger

She stood up and extended her arm out for me and said "I'm so sorry I didn't mean to crash into you. And I'm sorry I landed on top of you" I slightly chuckled and said "No worries. I as well wasn't seeing where I was going" we both just looked at each other. She was so beautiful. She had blue eyes that shined with the light of when she smiled, brown-ish blond-ish type of hair shoulder length and she was wearing a Shadyside cheer uniform.

I took stuck out my hand and said "I'm Deena nice to meet you:)" she stuck out her hand a shaked mine and said "Sam, nice to meet you:)"

God beautiful name, Sam.

We both parted our ways and went to class. Lunch was over and I had missed it but it was so worth it for her Sam.

My next class was Math and as I sat down I looked to my right and saw that Sam and I had the same class she's so beautiful. The way her hair flew behind her shoulders, and her beautiful blue eyes that shine every time she smiles. The way she gracefully walks...

Wait I can't possibly be thinking like this I just met her!

But I still couldn't stop looking at her she was just so beautiful!

She saw me staring at her and I quickly looked away

She's definitely gonna think I'm a creep

But then again she's beautiful and I went back to look at her one more time before class started but oh she was already staring at me and she gave me a small smile before turning around.

My god her smile but I can't be feeling like this a lesbo in Shadyside won't get you anywhere but I was willing to risk it for her. Even if I didn't know her.

Okayy y'all first chapter done I know it's short and not the best but I had a writers block and I'm trying to get better with the whole plot and how ima do this!

But let me know what y'all think and give me ideas for more of how they get to know each other:)) Also thanks to one of my readers for giving me an idea thank you so much I will @ them in the chat:))

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