Chapter Twenty-Seven

Start from the beginning

And now I'm getting emotional.

"Do you guys want to go grab lunch?" I suggested, but they all hesitated and Aaron spoke before I could.

"Your families can come too." He smiled. "Our treat."

It took a little more convincing than that, but it was hard to say no to Aaron. So that is how we found ourselves driving towards a well known restaurant with Aaron making some calls and having a place specially arranged for all of us. Being rich had its perks. Now I could spend time with my friends, their family, and have a great time fore saying goodbye to all and leaving with my husband on a second honeymoon.

When we arrived at the restaurant and managed to sit down in the order that we all wanted, waiters came and went with our orders. Everyone was talking, really having a good time, laughing loudly and giving everything a sense of happiness.

Aaron, who sat at the head of the table, took a hold of my hand and smiled over at me. It still was hard to believe that our marriage was going well. Considering how it all started, sometimes I woke up in panic thinking that either it had been all a dream or that Aaron would give up and go back to his old self. I was proven wrong every time.

Aaron was still holding himself back in some aspects, it was taking him a bit more to open up with me, but I understood. You just don't simply tell your deepest secrets or thoughts to someone you've only known for a short period of time. Even if you were married to that person. Like me, I didn't always tell him what I was thinking. Sometimes it's better for the other person to find those things by themselves and sometimes they had to be told. You just had to figure which went where. And so far, it's working for us.

"I love you." I leaned a little bit close to Aaron, then taking a sip of the wine with my free hand.

"And I love you, honey." Aaron kissed my hand and I couldn't help the smile nor the blush.

Soon, we found ourselves eating, stealing each other's food, which made Aaron scowl every single time.

Elliot caught us doing it and wiggled his eyebrows at me, making me stick my tongue out. In a fancy and totally well mannered way, of course.

The dinner lasted longer than any of us expected. Embarrassing stories were told; awful jokes were made and still had us in a fit of laughter. Tables somewhat closer to us kept sending us stern looks, some of the people tried not to laugh. But it resulted impossible to them, and to us, when Elliot and Jared got up and danced tango, with Alice singing something that I didn't even know if it existed.

Yes, I was going to really miss this.


It's been a little over eight months into our honey moon. Every place we've visited has been absolutely beautiful; I made sure to document every single thing that caught my attention. I tried staying in contact with my friends and family as much as possible, sending them pictures, receiving theirs, talking about what was going on in general and coming up with random group chats. It made me miss them just a little bit less.

I sighed and stared at the ocean, being the only thing that could be spotted from several miles.

We were on a yacht—because of course Aaron owned one—somewhere near France, I think. Everything has been going smoothly. Not once there was awkward silence. We managed to talk about everything and nothing at the same time. It turned out that Aaron wasn't as serious as he let everyone believe. He came up with pranks all the time and succeeded on always throwing me off. And I couldn't love him more even if I tried.

Can someone explode from too much love?

I always asked myself that question. And then had to seriously slap myself from actually imagining myself literally explode into hundredths of pieces for loving my husband.

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