Chapter Seventeen

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"I don't see why its such a big deal."

"It isn't."

"Then why are we arguing? It's not like I'll poison you."

I don't know if this was the way of the morning after love making but we were arguing about a picnic. I wanted to put some appetizers together, a bottle of wine for Aaron and sit down in some beautiful spot to admire. He was okay with all of it except me making the appetizers or putting anything in the basket.

So here we are, sitting in bed, with only the sheets covering our naked bodies, arguing about food.

"I don't believe you'll poison me. I just don't see why you have to make anything when there's a cook and other staff to do it." Aaron tried to reason, which by now he should know it's a lost cause. I am not giving in.

The discrete knock on the door had us both staring at it confused. That was until we recalled asking for breakfast a couple of minutes ago.

Needing to stretch a little, I got out of bed and went to get Aaron's robe since I didn't seem to have one.

At the next knock I sighed. "Going!"

"Or they can leave it outside and we can get it later." Aaron suggested as I opened the door.

"You're not getting your way with me again until we settle this picnic situation." I grabbed the tray from a set of hands and didn't see who owned them.

"Are you sure about that?" there was that same look in his eyes. The one he had last night. The one with which he could get away with anything.

"Okay, maybe I'm exaggerating a little. But I still don't see why you're so against it." I set the tray on the bed.

"Oh, I'm not." he smirked.

"Aaron, you know what I'm talking about."

"The cook can fix it and we can have more time alone." he said in a low voice, finger trailing patterns on my forearm.

"I want to do it. For you."

He stared at me as if in search of something. Then sighed and leaned in to place a soft kiss to my lips.

"You win."

"I may be a disaster in the kitchen but I can make some appetizers without killing anyone."

"That's reassuring." he chuckled and then looked behind me. His expression changed, became serious. "Do you need something?"

"What? No!" Minerva was standing at the door, blushing madly red. "I-I was going to ask that."

"We're good."

"Okay. If you need anything just let me know." and she was closing the door and leaving us all alone.

"I think she has a crush on you." I said as I got back in bed and grabbed a small bowl filled with mangoes, melon, apples and pineapple. All cut in cubes and sprinkled with something that made them delicious. There were two other plates with eggs and bacon with two mini pancakes on the side with syrup over them. Two cups of black coffee and two glasses of orange juice. Two smaller bowls filled with oatmeal and cranberries on the top.

I turned to look at Aaron as I chewed the mango in my mouth. His body was gorgeous, his chest strong and tight. Those mouth watery muscles; his biceps. This was definitely for me.

"Do I look skinny to you?"

"Huh? What?" Aaron looked at me, coffee cup halfway to his lips. He seemed startled and there was a glint in his eyes that meant he didn't know what he was supposed to answer. So he took that sip of coffee before placing it back to the tray.

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