Chapter One

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It's nothing out of the ordinary to be married off to unite two families, more if the families are trying to close a business deal.

Sure, it's nothing of out of the ordinary in our society. Nothing out of the ordinary to the generations who have been doing it since ever. But to everyone else... let's just say we kept it secret.

Since my family is one of those generations, I was married off to the Scarlatti family.

I was actually pretty exited. This is something I had been training to do my whole life. I'd been taught how to be the perfect wife. And I'll give everything to make my husband happy.

The only problem we had is that I turned eighteen on the day of the wedding and well, being eighteen I still haven't finished high school and we moved to a different state.

Aaron, that's my husband, set down some pretty strict rules. The top one is that I must not fall in love with him. The second is that I mustn't be clingy, he hates that. Third, we are not to sleep in the same room unless we have guests staying the night; we have to keep up with appearances. Fourth, I have to finish school; he doesn't want a mediocre in his house, his words not mine. Fifth, I must not bother him when he's in his study unless it's a life or death thing.

Those are just the top five. And each one of them hurt me.

We've only been married for a week. He hasn't touched me once. Even the kiss at the church lasted two seconds.

It didn't help that today is my first day of school, I feel terrible. Aaron is still locked up in his study, he hasn't left it since yesterday. Maids just go in to take him food.

I sighed and finished combing my hair. My attire consisted on a blue summer dress, sandals and my hair down. The only make up I wore was mascara.

I grabbed my bag and walked out of my room and downstairs.

The house we moved into was really old fashioned, it looked more like a mansion than anything. I knew the Scarlatti's had money, but not this much.

"What would you like for breakfast Mrs.?" one of the maids, I think her name is Rita, asked.

"Just coffee and toast."

She nodded and left the dinning room, leaving me alone.


That's how I've felt these past days. Aaron didn't pay much attention to me. He ignores me most of the time. But he made sure that the servants obeyed my every demand. That doesn't mean much to me. I want his attention.

Rita came back with my breakfast and I ate fast. Being late to my first day of school is not something I'm looking forward to. I'd looked into several schools and managed to convince Aaron to let me apply at a public one. I'm tired of all the drama and if I were to attend one of which his family friends or my family's friends go to, there will be a lot of it.

So I went for something simple. It's not like anybody knows I'll be attending school. If someone ever gives it a thought they'll come to the conclusion that I am home schooled.

With bag in hand I walked to the front door where the butler opened the door for me.

"Mr. Scarlatti said he wishes you a great time at your new school. He'll like you to be here for lunch." Fuller lied. Not about Aaron wanting me in time for lunch, he hates waiting, but the part were he wishes me good luck.

"Thank you, Fuller. Please let Aaron know I'll be here on time." I faked a smile and walked over to Grant, the chauffeur, who opened the car's door for me.

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