"You're insulting our friends. Our associates!" My mother exclaimed angered and a bit hurt.

"Your friends. Your associates. I have to remind you that we rarely run in the same circles. My father and Mr. Bennett are business partners and friends. That's the connection I have to your associates in a distant level. You should know very well that your 'friends' go to parties to judge. Just like any other wealthy brainless drone. Those parties are to show off. Regan and I don't take part in such events regularly, so I wont expose my wife to critiques and degrading glares."


"I won't expose you to that. Not right now when you're vulnerable. I won't have it."

For some reason I wanted to cry. But I fought back the tears as I heard my mother agree with Aaron.

"You're absolutely right. Now isn't the time for those facades. Regan's health is our priority." My mother leaned against my father for support. "I hope we're allowed to visit our daughter. We'll be staying for a few days."

"Of course." Aaron nodded.

"You're a good man Aaron. I'm glad you're here to take care of Regan. We'll be in touch." My father said his goodbyes and followed my mother out the door.

"Thank you for that." I smiled at Aaron.

"You don't have to thanks me. It's the least I can do."

"Still. You don't have to worry about me. I'm sure you have more important things to do at the office, you don't have to stay here all the time." I didn't really wanted him to go, but he also had things to do.

"Nothing's more important than you." when he said that, looking right into my eyes, my heart melted. I really wanted him to hold me. I wanted him to kiss me.

The moment was ruined when a knock once again was heard and the Roland's, as Aaron had called them, came in.

The older man wore a gray suit, he looked very business like but there was a softness in his eyes. The woman next to him, I assumed was the wife, wore an elegant baby blue dress. She also looked like a nice person. Next to them were a more younger looking couple. The more I stared, the less I remembered them.

"Ben, Ellie, thank you for coming by." Aaron got up from his chair to shake hands with Ben, the older man, and then to kiss Ellie, Ben's wife. "I know how busy you must be."

"We can stay for a couple of minutes, we have a business lunch to attend but they can wait." Ben assured it was no problem, then he turned to look at me. "How are you feeling darling?"

"Feeling much better, thank you." I smiled and pretended to know exactly everything about our relationship.

"Olivia told us you'll be going home tomorrow. We'll have more time to visit then." Ellie smiled warmly at me as she gave my leg a squeeze as she stood by the foot of the bed.

"That'll be lovely." I smiled again. The nerves eating me. What if they asked something personal? What if they made reference to something and I didn't know how to answer?

"Kara and I can stay longer, so you'll be seeing us for a bit more." the younger guy, who looked like trouble, send a deadly grin at me.

At the moment I wondered how our relationship was.

Ben checked his watch and grimaced.

"It's alright, Ben. We understand. Thanks for coming by." Aaron said in his comprehensive voice.

"We'll call you to let you know when we can stop by at your house. It's time we made a visit." Ben nodded his head at Aaron. "Hope you recuperate stupendously, Regan."

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