Chapter 1: First Day of High School

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Author's Note: Here's the first chapter for my take on a Clone Wars High School AU. I'll publish a chapter with character descriptions soon! I appreciate any comments or suggestions, and I hope you enjoy!

It was the first day of high school, and Ahsoka Tano was nervous. On top of that, her father had to go on another one of his extended business trips.

Of all days, it had to be today.

Ahsoka sighed, struggling to pull the brush through her wavy white and blue hair. Her father, Plo Koon, had a very time-consuming job that involved traveling all over the country.

Quickly choosing a red dress, white leggings, and brown boots, Ahsoka raced down the stairs, backpack in one hand and phone in the other. She plopped down into a chair at the table, dropping her backpack on the floor.

As always, her father was already in the kitchen, cooking breakfast.

"Good morning, little 'Soka," her father greeted, flipping a pancake in his skillet. He raised his eyes from the stove, smiling at his adopted daughter.

"Morning," Ahsoka sighed, fiddling with the silverware. She knew it wasn't his fault that his job was so demanding, but she wished he could at least stay for her first day of school.

Plo looked back at her again, eyes saddening slightly. "I wish I could stay, but-"

"It's okay," Ahsoka assured him, attempting to smile. "I'll be able to stay with Miss Ti, so I won't be alone."

Her father sighed. "I'm sorry, 'Soka, but Miss Ti is involved with a case about an abusive foster home. She won't have time to look after you." Before Ahsoka could protest, he continued. "But, you will be able to stay with my friend, Mr. Kenobi. He teaches History at your new school."

"Oh, okay," Ahsoka said hesitantly. Sliding the pancake onto the plate, Plo set it in front of her, before taking the empty chair.

"Don't worry, 'Soka, everything will be fine."

Everything will be fine. Ahsoka repeated her father's words in her head as she walked to school, a steady beat in her head. That was the only encouragement he had been able to give her before receiving a business call that told him to get to the airport as soon as possible.

Then, with a quick hug and a smile, he was gone.

Everything will be fine.

As Coruscant School came into view, butterflies fluttered in Ahsoka's stomach.

It's just the first day of school, no big deal. It doesn't matter that you're probably the only new kid. Deep breaths.

Everything will be fine.

She was close enough to hear the student chatter. The faint sounds of cars pulling away from the drop-off line.

Everything will be fine.

Ahsoka was nearing the parking lot now. She closed her eyes, trying to block out all the sounds around her, including the particularly loud sound of an engine.

Everything will be--

"Watch where you're going!"

Ahsoka's eyes flew open as an old, silver truck swerved to the side, inches away from hitting her. She yelped, losing her balance. Ahsoka hit the ground hard, hands flat against the pavement in an unsuccessful attempt to stop her fall.

The truck abruptly stopped, and a brunette teenager threw the door open and stalked toward her.

"What were you doing in the middle of the road?!" he demanded, hands on his hips. "I almost hit you!"

Ahsoka snorted, struggling to her feet. "Yeah, I noticed."

He sighed, rolling his eyes at her. "Why were you in the middle of the road?"

"I was, um. . . thinking," Ahsoka mumbled hesitantly. "I wasn't paying attention. Sorry."

He sighed again. "Just watch where you're going next time." Despite his annoyance, Ahsoka could tell that he was at least a little worried about her well-being.

"Anakin Skywalker," called a voice in a reprimanding tone.

Skywalker? That's an interesting name.

The two teenagers turned as the other passenger from the truck approached them. He looked to be in his thirties, with strawberry-blonde hair and blue eyes.

"What?" The boy, Anakin, asked defensively. "She was in the middle of the road, Obi-Wan. How is that my fault?"

"Perhaps you should pay closer attention to speed limits then," Obi-Wan responded. He turned his attention to Ahsoka. "Are you alright, young one?"

"Yes, thank you. Sorry about that."

"No worries. Now, we should get properly introduced, don't you think? I am Obi-Wan Kenobi, and I teach history here."

"My name is Ahsoka Tano, I'm a new kid."

"We're glad to have you, Ahsoka." Obi-Wan smiled at her. "Anakin, aren't you going to introduce yourself?"

Anakin uncrossed his arms. "Guess I should, after almost running you over. I'm Anakin Skywalker."

"Nice to meet you guys," Ahsoka said.

A bell rang in the distance. "That'd be the bell," Obi-Wan stated. "I'll be off now. Anakin, park the Twilight correctly and then show Ahsoka around."

"Why do I have to? And what about class?"

"Class doesn't start for another fifteen minutes. You have plenty of time."

Anakin sighed as Obi-Wan walked off. "Let's go," he said to Ahsoka. 

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