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*Ethans POV*

I was excited to start filming tomorrow. I thought about the season as I was driving to my girlfriend Brielle's house, to drop her off. I was glad that the girl playing my love interest for the next few seasons was chill, since we'd be spending so much time together.

"Bye babe, I love you" I told my girlfriend as she got out of the car
"Love you bye" she says closing the door
I watched as she went inside and drove away. Brielle and I had been together for 2 years, I really loved her. But sometimes she had just seemed not herself and recently she's been like that. I was getting kind of worried, y thoughts were stopped by a ring coming from the phone next to me. I picked it up and realized Brielle left her phone in my car. I looked at it and the notification read,
678-456-9877: is he gone from dropping you off yet, can't wait to come over❤️🤫
My heart dropped and anger filled my body. I turned the car around and drove back to Brielle's house. I grabbed her phone and walked up to the door trying to be calm. I knocked and she opened it.

"Oh there's my phone, thanks baby" she says looking at her phone in my head
"Yea here, you got a notification from this number" I said handing her the phone
As her face went red I could tell she didn't know what to say
"Who is it" I asked trying not to show my feelings
"It's a friend"
"Then why did I have to be gone for them to come over?" I questioned
"You've been acting weird lately Brielle" I added
"Ethan it's no one I promise" she says but I just can't believe her, I mean the evidence was right there
"It's obviously someone, just tell me"
"I'm sorry Ethan, it was a mistake and I love you" as tears start rolling down her cheeks
I wanted so bad to forgive her but I couldn't. My heart was broken.
"2 years Brielle, we've been together for 2 years and you do this?! and I thought you really loved me" I said as I turned around and walked to my car
"I do love you Ethan" she yelled, but I didn't even turn around I just got in my car and drove with tears streaming down my face. This is not what I needed the night before the first day of filming. By the time I got home I was a complete mess, my world was turned upside down. I couldn't think anymore, I just needed to sleep and be ready to work tomorrow. As I fell asleep my phone was blowing up with messages from Brielle and Emma too, I guess Brielle must have told her, hoping she told the truth if she did I fell asleep.

As I woke up I checked the alarm clock that read 5:45 am. My call time was 6:30 and since I didn't have to get ready at home I could just go as is. By the time I pulled into the lot it was 6:25 and most of the cast was here, I could tell by their cars. I went to my trailer to wait for my turn in hair and makeup, after waiting a while just sitting in my home trying to ignore the flood of Brielle messages on my phone I was going into the hair and makeup trailer. Emma and Abigail were already in there because we had our first scenes together. As Emma looked at me like she was about to ask about Brielle I gave her a "don't ask" look and she nodded. Considering we were all exhausted, no one talked during hair and makeup.

"You excited for your first day?" I asked Abigail
"Yeah super"
"Well Abigail, nice to have you apart" I added
"You can call me abby" she laughed

"Ethan, Abby set please" a producer yelled to us. We shot all of our scenes and headed to our trailers. Me, Emma and Abby's trailer were all beside each other. They added Abby's next to mine and Emma's that have been there since season 1. As we walked back Emma started asking.

"So Ethan are you okay?" She starts
"Yeah I'm good I guess for now" 
"She told me you had a bunch of messages coming to your phone all of dinner and when she asked you got all defensive, then you starting accusing her of cheating to hide the fact that you were cheating." She tells
"That is definitely not what happened" I said with an annoyed laugh, I wasn't annoyed at Emma I was at Brielle. Why couldn't she just tell the truth for once. I told Emma and Abby what happened and we ended up talking in Emma's trailer.
"What a bitch" Emma says clearly done with Brielle, they were best friends but I'm not sure now.
"Yeah that's messed up" Abby continues
The girls had good advice, like to give myself  time to think and to let my emotions out. Brielle and I hadn't officially broke up but I was done with her for sure so I planned on doing it tonight. I didn't want to see her but I didn't want to be with her anymore so I did it over a phone call. I know that sounds horrible but I couldn't see her.

*Ethan and Brielle over the phone*   Bold - Ethan regular - Brielle

"I've missed you"
"I can't do this, we're done"
"No baby don't do this"
"You cheated on me, we're done. Bye Brielle"

*end of call*

I ended the call, I was sad but I needed to let go of her and keep going with my life. I didn't need that bringing me down right now. I enjoyed filming with Abby today, she's an amazing actor. I decided to post a photo to show our first day on set for this season.

                          Liked by Emmy and more                               Ekat19 - season 8, you're welcome

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

Liked by Emmy and more
                               Ekat19 - season 8, you're welcome

                         @user1: why they low key cute together
@user2: what about Brielle?
@jeremyallenwhitefinally: the Gallagher's are back bitches
                @abigailbankston: gonna be so good
                @cameronmonagham: abby over here showed up and outshined all of us @abigailbankston
@abigailbankston: ugh cam I love you
@emmakenney: literally the duo of season 8
@noelfisher: what about gallavich?! @emmakenney
@ekat19: hm I vote Carl and Karina for that one @noelfisher
@cameronmonagham: fuck off @ekat19
@user3: are they dating?

I was surprised by all the dating rumours in the comments on my post. I hadn't thought of it to be taken like that, since it was just a picture from set. I texted Abby to let her know that she might have some crazy fan girls coming her way.

Me: hey, uh btw on that new ig post of mine people think we're dating or whatever so you might have some crazy fans coming your way.

Abby: oh wow I see that now, haha thanks for the warning

Ethan: no problem

Abby: are you feeling any better about the situation?

Ethan: as in Brielle?😂

Abby: yes, wasn't sure if we were saying her name

Ethan: oh I'm better now, you and em helped a lot, so thanks

Abby: anytime ekat

Ethan: is that what I'm being called now?

Abby: by me, yes

Ethan: very original

Abby: oh suck it

Ethan: you can;)

Abby: Jesus Ethan, keep it in your pants

Ethan: what can I say single ethan is crazy

Abby: I can tell, I'm going to sleep

Ethan: goodnight, see you in your dreams😩

Abby: hm guess I'll see you there

not anymore |ethan cutkosky|Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum