There was nothing that I could argue with. Jay did have a point, and there's no denying in anything that he said.

It looks like I have met my match.


"Raina!" Cassy shrieks as I step foot into the apartment.

After a long drive of awkward silence, Jay dropped me off. After our little argument- if you even want to call it that- I had asked him to take me home.

"What is it, Cass?" I answer back, following the sound of her voice. She was sitting cross-legged on the couch.

It felt like I was her teenage daughter, getting caught during the walk of shame.

"You have some explaining to do," she answers whole pointing to the empty spot next to her. I chuckle at the scenario in my head, obeying her and sitting down.

"What would you like to know, mother?" I tease.

"I don't find this funny," she spits jokingly. "You better take me seriously, young lady."

"Whatever," I exasperate. "What do you want to know?"

"I want to know why you're hopping boys."

"What does that mean?"

"One moment you're at Jackson's house, then bad boy Jay is coming to pick you up."

"He's not that ba-"

"Don't you dare defend that scum," she interrupts. What is it with everyone, not letting me finish a sentence?

"They're both my friends, I guess."

"You guess? Tch, that's what you say now."

"Well, I don't need to have this conversation with you. I appreciate your concern, but I am a big girl,"
I speak, getting up from the seat.
"And now, I'm not even going to tell you about Jay kissing me."

"Wait, what?" She yells as I run into my bedroom. I shut the door quickly before she can burst through.

Chuckling at my own devious ways, I pad over to my bed. It's been a long day, I should get some sleep.

My eyelids flutter shut, letting a darkness greet me. My mind wanders off, running over every event that happened today.

It kind of bothers me, the way that Cassy said that I'm 'hopping boys'. It's not like I'm dating them both on the side. I haven't sorted out my feelings on everything, it's only natural for me to act this way.


Maybe not.

And I know that she only means good, but her constant nagging is starting to irritate me. I do not need her advice on which boys I need to date. Hell, I don't need to date any of them.

Sure, I get lonely. We all do.
But that doesn't mean I'm going to drop everything and search for a guy that will hopefully fill that empty space.

I don't like the idea of relationships, because once that empty space is filled-- well, eventually, it will be bare again. The person that makes me happy will leave with no explanation, forcing me to adapt to being alone once again.

I don't want to sit awake every night, wondering what I did wrong. Because some people leave without explanation. Whether it is your fault or not, you will blame yourself anyway.

And I believe that this will be the exact occurrence if I involve myself with Jay.

My thoughts were cut short when the buzz of my phone had pierced through the silent air. Fishing it out of my pocket, my thumb swiped across the screen.

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