She's My Mate

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Hiii! Sorry - I know I said I would get more writing done, and then, well, I didn't. Sorry about that y'all!!

Dani and I are both starting school as well, so posts are going to get infrequent (like even more infrequent than they are now - which - they're pretty infrequent now). I hope if y'all are starting school that you're staying safe and healthy! <3

POV for this story is Rhys is coming home from Under the Mountain. I apologize for any typos - I might come back and fix them but I also might not lol. Enjoy! :)

-Star <33



She was my mate, she was my mate - I had to get out of there. I had to get out of there before I did something stupid.

I stumbled away from her, feeling the shock on my face but not knowing what to do, and I winnowed away without thinking. I had to get away -

My surroundings were familiar, but not. I stared blankly at the wall in front of me, trying to process where exactly I had gone and what had happened, breathing hard. Two familiar brown eyes stared at me, wide. I didn't even think. "She's my mate."


"She's my fucking mate -" I knew I was breathing too hard, too fast. 

Mor stared at me, brown eyes worried. "Rhys? Is it - it's really you - what do you mean 'she's my mate'?"

I just stared at her, eyes wide. I'm sure I looked like a mess. "I - I - she's my mate, Mor. She's my mate, and she's with him - and - "

"Whoa, Rhys, it's ok. Slow down. Breathe - " she reached out for me, as if to touch me, but then didn't, dropping her hand. "Come sit on the couch, and calm down. It's ok."

I shook my head, opening and closing my mouth, but I couldn't get any words to come.

She reached out for me again, slowly. I could've moved away, if I had wanted to, but I didn't. I was ok, I was safe, this was only Mor. She placed her hand on my shoulder, and guided me to the couch, then just quietly sat down next to me.

I don't know how long we sat like that, with me staring at nothing and her watching me with worried eyes. "Rhys, should I go get - "


She was silent for another long moment. "Alright. Do you want to tell me... do you want to tell me what happened? You - I've missed you - are you alright? Are you hurt?"

I shook my head. "I'm not - I'm fine - "

"You don't seem fine." Her hand gently rubbed my shoulder. "Rhys, what happened? What - what did she do to you?"

I turned to her then, not to see her questioning eyes but to rest my head on her shoulder, taking deep shuddering breaths. "I - she - I -"

Her arms wrapped tight around me.

I tried again. "She - she drugged me. I was too focused on killing her to notice." I paused. "You knew that already."

She made a soft noise of agreement, stroking one hand along my back, careful of my wings.

"And then she - she wanted revenge against my father, I suppose, and - she took it out, on me. And I l-let her - "

She squeezed me tight. "It's ok. You don't have to talk about it. It's ok - you're safe. You're safe now." She paused. "Is she - dead?"

I nodded, a small hysterical laugh threatening to bubble out of me. "She's dead."

"Good." Mor's voice was quiet, viscous, telling me that if Amaranthara hadn't been dead, she would have been soon. "Now - tell me - you met your... mate?"

I nodded again. "I - yes."

She looked around, as if wondering why I hadn't brought her here.

"She's in love with another male. She's - she's with Tamlin."

Mor scowled. "That asshole? That's not going to last long."

"Mor." I chided. "I'm not - I'm not going to get between them. She deserves to be happy. She - she died."

Mor just looked confused. "What - so she's dead - "

I shook my head. "No - I made the other high lords revive her. She was human, and now she's Fae."

She spoke slowly. "You met your mate. Who was human, and is in love with Tamlin. She died -"

"Amaranthara killed her."

"Right, so she was killed, then revived, then you... left."

I nodded. She stared. We were silent for a long time. She shook her head. "Alright. I still say go kick Tamlin's ass and steal her, but whatever."

I snorted. "You know I can't do that, cousin."

One moment, she was sitting beside me, my head resting lightly on her shoulder. The next, she was half on my lap, hugging me tightly. "I missed you, you damned idiot."

I was startled, but hugged her back, inhaling her familiar scent. "I missed you too." I swallowed hard, blinking several times. "The others...?"

"Missed you too, and have been nothing but worried mother hens the entire time." She squeezed me lightly, then pulled back. "You ready to go see them?"

I took a breath, then nodded, standing. "Probably. Although Cas might never drop it if I cry when I see them."

She laughed a little bit, standing as well. "He'll probably be crying too. It'll be one of those moments you never bring up again."

I was slightly concerned that she knew we had those moments, but I supposed it was kind of obvious at times.

I gently lifted Mor in my arms, then launched myself out the balcony, winnowing to the skies above Velaris. The sight of it almost made me cry. I was home.

I landed, staring at my town house, setting Mor down lightly. There was a blur of movement, then a large body crashed into mine, half picking me up. "Rhys - fucking hell, is it really you?"

I laughed a little bit. "Watch my wings, Cas, yes, it's really me."

"Fuck your wings." He continued half crushing me. "I might never let you out of my sight again, you damned idiotic bastard."

"Hey - "

He set me down, and next thing I knew, I was being hugged again. "You too, huh, Az?"

He snorted, quickly releasing me again. "Never do that again, Rhys, or I'll kick your ass."

Cas made a noise of agreement. "I'll help."

I blinked several times. "Trust me, I have no intention of ever doing anything like that ever again."

Cas blinked too, and I wasn't looking at Az, but I bet he was a little misty eyed as well. "Good. Now come inside and eat something. You look skinny, and pale as hell."

I snorted. "I did live under a mountain for 50 years - what do you expect."

He gave me a look. "For you to eat and exercise at least - I'm going to kick your ass in training."

Mor, who I had forgotten was there, stifled a laugh. "See Rhys - just like I told you. Worried mother hens."

I shook my head, pulling Mor into another hug, and whispering "it's good to be back."

She hugged me tightly. "Welcome home, Rhys."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2021 ⏰

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