Chapter 85: Arguing For Our Lives (Part II)

Start from the beginning

"Thanks. I appreciate that, and just know I'm going to hold you to it," he promises with a glint of mischief in his eye.

He doesn't say anything more about it, though, or give me any hint of what he means by that, so we all make our way across the lobby and head to the restaurant on the far side.

As a group of twelve, the hostess seems a bit perturbed about having to find a space to accommodate us since we didn't bother with a reservation, but eventually we get seated and enjoy a nice lunch together. With so many of my companions being from my pack, it feels a little bit like sitting down to dinner at the packhouse back home and makes me feel a little nostalgic. No better way of reminding me what is at stake and getting me geared up to go back into the conference room and finish my presentation with determination.

Our group makes it back up to the fourth floor with plenty of time to spare, but not knowing whether the Elders are having some private meeting, we decide to hang out in the hallway for a bit. That is until John offers to send a mind-link to his great-uncle and simply ask whether we can return a bit early.

"Oh sure, rub it in that you have a direct-link to an Elder," Tyler teases him.

John grins in response, bumping Tyler's shoulder good-naturedly as he carries on his conversation with Elder Benjamin.

"He says they're not doing anything important. Just finishing up their lunches and waiting for everyone to return, so we can go in if you'd like," John informs us.

"Might as well," I shrug. "It will give me a chance to get everything all set up again anyway."

Some of the others begin to make their way into the meeting room, though I linger for a moment in the hallway taking a breath and steeling my resolve. I feel hands creep around my waist from behind before Matt drops his head on my shoulder, his long dark tresses spilling over me and tickling the side of my face. He's been doing an impressive job of keeping his anxiety in check, but I know this day is taking a toll on him. It's the not knowing how it's going that seems to be killing him.

"We're almost done, babe," I reassure him, reaching up to wind my fingers in his hair and hold his head more firmly against my shoulder.

"I know," he sighs. "And then who knows how long they'll make us wait after that."

"You're still mine no matter what they end up deciding," I remind him.

"I know," he says again, though this time I can feel the smile as he nuzzles his face against my neck.

After placing a few warm, tingly kisses along my neck and jaw, he sighs again before standing back up and reaching for my hand.

"Let's do this, then," he says, leading us back inside.

Tyler is already in his seat and seems to be talking to Elder Stirling as he doodles on the inside cover of my notebook. He's using a bold, black pen, which makes me admire his confidence. He turns and grins at us as we make our way back to our own seats, and I'm struck by how at ease he seems even in this high-stress situation. I know him well enough to recognize that it's a front for his nerves, but I'm still impressed by how he always seems to pull off the illusion of composure.

"Welcome back, and I hope you enjoyed your lunch, Miss Bentley," Elder Stirling greets me with a genuine smile.

"I did, thanks," I answer him with a smile of my own. "I'm going to just take a moment and get my presentation ready to go again, if that's alright?"

"Of course," he agrees, gesturing to the monitor as a sort of permissive invitation.

Then he turns and engages in a conversation with Elder Vivian, allowing me a moment to discreetly look around as I get everything set up. With everyone behaving more casually now, it might be a good opportunity to get a sense of who the Elders are and how they act outside a formal setting.

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