Chapter 15

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Unknown POV

I'm not sure if we have done the right thing by believing the story of those people, anymore. I crack open the door to the room to peek inside, the woman is still lying on the floor in the far corner, coiled like an old wrung-out rag. It was evident she was from an affluent family, doesn't project it though; she's rather subdued and petrified. Is she acting? How long can one pretend? True nature will break through, I assure myself.

Meera, my sister who dressed her wounds last week said the woman had scars all over her body, old ones which meant she was already brutalised. By whom? What is her story?  Hope I haven't sinned in desperation! I took a day's break for my personal reasons and they sent their goon to guard her she had asked to be untied and that bastard beat her up so badly. I found her bleeding and semi-conscious when I got back. He refused to treat her until I picked a fight. I curse myself, for having gotten into an agreement with these heartless vampires, just for a few lakhs.


The phone rings breaking his trance, the cigarette takes his brunt for the moment, getting crushed between the floor and his cheap footwear. The mobile screen flashes the name of his temporary boss, the person who had arranged for abduction. Kabeer drew a deep breath and tried to realign his senses and hopefully his life too both of which had gone haywire ever since his wife's death, two years back.

"Hello! What do you mean? No, I..."

"---- "

"No, you listen to me. You better stop giving her these drugs if she dies then you are not going to get what you want. Also, when are you giving my money?"


"What rubbish? You were supposed to pay me half the amount as soon as she reaches here. I don't care, I might go drop her off at the nearby police station and surrender."


"I'm used to all the rough weather Boss you on the other hand.. ah! that's better". He knew this threat would work, these rich people need an underdog, to save their sorry little sinning bottoms.

He shut his phone, thrust it into his denim pocket and picked the food that was left outside by the delivery guys, and went towards the kitchen. He faced the CCTV camera and opened the vial that was given to him, and turned back towards the food. He then showed the empty vial back on camera, picked the food, and went back to the room.
He gently touched the lady's shoulder using a stick, not wanting to give her the creepy vibes.

'Yeah, a saint who guards the kidnap victim' snickered his conscience.

She stirred after prodding a few more times.

'Assholes! God knows how much they are mixing, at this rate, she might die or lose her sanity, these drugs can cause that'.

Hey! Listen wake up!  Here eat your food. Hey! Lady.." he called out to her in Hindi.

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