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"Don't. Please, Nali, don't." Rosé's voice broke a little at that last word. "Hey, stop that, you're going to be just fine." She said, as she was holding me tighter every second.

Rosé smiled at me, but it was shaky, and my heart broke. I could literally hear it crack in my chest. I reached out and touched the side of her face gently. She leaned into it and for the first time ever her tough fecade completly fell away, leaving only desperation and panic instead.

"Don't you dare give up. Do you hear me? This is not over." She grabbed my hands with a urgency that took me by surprise. "Please don't give up." Her voice was only a whisper by the end.

"Rosie..." I whispered.

"Yes?" She spoke in a rush, "Yes, my love. What is it?"

"Can..." I managed to speak, "Can I hear your singing for one more time?" I could see the tears streaming down her cheeks, as she held me even tighter and rested her head over mine, before began to sing whispering.

"You're my sunshine..." Her voice cracked, "My only sunshine. You make me happy when skies are gray."

With all my strengh, I tried to sing with her, even if it only came out as a chocked whisper, "You'll never know dear, how much I love you." This made her cry even harder, I could feel her tears on my forehead.

"Please don't take my sunshine away..." Rosé sobbed, and the edges of my visión turned black and I felt like my hand was made of lead. It fell on the bed and I closed my eyes. I was so tired.

"You're okay." I heard Rosé saying, but it felt like it was miles away from me, even though she was grabbing my shoulders and shaking me, "Breathe. Just breathe. Open your eyes, Nali. Come back." She was desperate. "I love you so much. Come back, Nali. Please."

A last sigh came out of my mouth, and then there was nothing at all.

आप प्रकाशित भागों के अंत तक पहुँच चुके हैं।

⏰ पिछला अद्यतन: May 31, 2022 ⏰

नए भागों की सूचना पाने के लिए इस कहानी को अपनी लाइब्रेरी में जोड़ें!

One Shots RPDRजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें