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It was a day just like another one, I was sitting in the garden of the First Heaven, the place of the angles, stars, ice and dew. My blonde curly hair was falling on top of my shoulders and my bright white wings, and the sunlight was illuminating my pale skin.

Everything about me resembled snow, except my eyes. They were deep black, making me stand out from the rest, since all had blue eyes; but, well... That's who I was, and I always loved being diffrent.

My job here was taking care of the little stars, and made some orders to the other Heavens; except the Second one, which is very dangerous, because it is the place where the fallen angels are captive.

"Denali," the Prince of this Heaven approached to me, "I need you to take this to the Second Heaven." He said with guitly in his blue eyes. "I'm sorry for making you go there, but it's quite urgent."

My heart stopped for a moment. I've never been there, and for what I heard it was pretty wild. "It's okay, don't worry." I took the little bag he gave me.

"Please, take care."

"I'll be fine." I assured him, and made my way to the Second Heaven. When I got there, my wings were shaking, I was truly scared.

I was standing in front of the door. It was huge. Before I could get mentally ready, the door opened itself. I walked slowly, looking for the Second Heaven's Prince, but it was all empty and dark. Grey clouds and fog were filling the space, giving me chills, and there was a lake, a dark one.

Even so often, lightning vaguely illuminited the place, letting me see the cells of the fallen angles in the distance.

All of the sudden, a deafening roar accompanied the largest lightning bolt I have ever seen. Everything lit up.

Then I saw her.

There she was, sitting by the lake, with her curly dark hair fluttering in the wind, along with her beautiful yet terrorific night-black wings.

She turned around and stared at me from the distance.

My Prince warned me that if I saw an angel outside their cell, I shouldn't come near, because they were dangerous and full of evil.

But something strange happened. A kind of force made me head towards her, against my will. It was as if I was being pushed towards my... Destiny?

"Hey." I said shyly. My wings were the only light on that place.

She looked at me and I felt my heart get heavier. She was beautiful, and there was something familiar about her. We locked eyes, and I couldn't help but notice that hers were blue. But why? I was supposed to be the one with blue eyes, not her.

"What do you want?" She shouted at me.

"Oh..." I mumbled, "Nothing. Just talk... I guess?" I was drowning in her mesmerizing eyes.

"Okay then..." She tapped at the spot next to her, "You can sit."

I did so, and a part of me was glad, but the other part was scared.

"I don't bite." She assured me with a chunkle, and held out her hand to me, "I'm Rosé."

I took her hand and an electricity ran through my body, sending shivers down my spine. I gluped and quickly withdrew my hand from hers. She just kept looking at me.

"Why are you here?" I muttered. "Why are you out of your cell?" I was half intrigued, half scared. "What did you do to be in a place like this?" I asked, looking around.

"So many questions at once, pretty one." She chunkled. "I've been here for more tan a hundred years." She began. "A couple of years ago I stole the key from a sleepy guard, and every night since then I came here to sit by the lake, and watch the only thing that keeps my hopes alive... The moon."

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