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We turn around and hear Peter trying to get Ron to spare his life. Ron not agreeing,thank god.

"I don't know if you knew but when you were born. James and Lily made me your godfather. but if you ever want a different home. You can come live with me."

Harry and I smile, "wait what?"


"it's just a thought, you don't have to."

"Y-" but before I could finish saying yes, Hermione yelled."AMELIA!HARRY!"

We turn around, it was a full moon. Professor Lupin starts turning to a wolf. Harry grabbed his wand out and ran to Peter,but before Harry could cast a spell Peter was already turning into a rat.



"Professor Lupin.."

Then snape runs up to us, "there you are,potters."

Then Lupin starts to turn into his werewolf form and howls. Me and harry run up to them then stop but Snape blocked us. Lupin and Sirius were basically fighting.

Lupin runs up to us then another different howl fills the air, he starts running, but Sirius does to but the other way. Harry runs and I run after him towards Sirius.



We get on the ground. The water turns into ice.then Sirius wakes up. Dementors .lots of them,at least a hundred..or maybe more.

Me and Harry look at eachother..they then starts taking Sirius, we stand up and take our wands out

"Expecto patronum!"' Nothing happened,me and Harry fell to the ground.they then start sucking our soil out of us. Me and Harry grab hands.

We look up and see..a glowing silver-blue stag and a unicorn standing at the end of the ice,with two people with them.we both look at eachother and smile.The dementars starts disappearing.

The light glows darker,I pass out..I don't know about Harry.

Amelia pov

"Amelia!"A girl yelled.

"Amelia!"I heard someone else yell.

I start opening my eyes and see Harry.

"They have Sirius!" Whisper yelled Harry.

"what?"I quickly get out the bed and Dumbledore walks in.

"We have to stop them!"

"yeah!you got the wrong man."ron says from the bed he's in.

We start explaining how his rat or peter.then Dumbledore walks out saying something about saving one or more lives.

"what the bloody hell was that about?"

"I would bring you with us but you can't walk. See you later."

Hermione puts her time turner necklace around me Harry and herself. I have the same one for classes. We then start time traveling

"come on we can't be seen."

We start running.
"that's..this is..Crazy..this isn't normal"

"Time travel. This is how Hermione and I have been getting to all our lessons."

"Dumbledore wanted us to return to this moment for some reason. We need to change something."

"Malfoy is coming."


I grabbed both their hands and we ran and hid. Once they were out of sight, we went down the hill and hid behind the pumpkins.

The Potter Twins (3rd Year)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora