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At poison club
Bani brinda and bela looked at way and Bela took the mic and said
Bela(half drunk):hello Mahir
Bela waved and Mahir waved back
Bani(half drunk):hey guys,but what are they doing here
Brinda(half drunk):wait we can ask questions later let's get off the stage first
All of them got off the stage and went to the men and prena said
Prena(half drunk):what are you doing here
Dev:come on guys we can talk at home
Bani,brinda,Bela and prena nodded and followed the guys while driving in the car all the girls shouted
All the girls:stop the car
Rishabh stopped the car immediately and all the girls got out and sat in the car Bonet while the men also came out and asked
Veer:what happened guys
Bani(half drunk): veeranshu look at the stars
Mahir:you all asked us to stop the car so you can look at stars
Bela(half drunk):no,we asked you to stop the car so we can look at the stars
And all of the girls started laughing
Bani(half drunk):you know we all have a deep happy connection with the stars
Prena (half drunk):when our parent's were still alive we use to look at the stars with them,it was fun,we got to talk and
Brinda(half drunk):bond well but at the same time we have a sad connection with the stars
Bela(half drunk):under the stars on this same road our parents were all taken from us on the same day,and we could not do anything about it
Prena(sadly+half drunk):we tried to save them but it did not help no one wanted to help us, get our parents to the hospital
Brinda:that is why every time on this day we go to the club then we drive to this road
Bani:we are happy you drove this road but now can we please go home I want to sleep
All of the girls got back in the car while the guys were shocked and sad to here the girls past
Rishabh:guys we have to give them a better future then there past
Dev:you are right
Veer:but how do we give them a better future, if that was only half of there past
Mahir:we have to find out there full past
They got into the car again and drove to singhania mansion

At singhania mansion
Mahir, Rishabh, dev and veer picked up Bela, prena, brinda and bani and took them to the room to sleep...

Precap:finding out the girls past

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