"I don't want to talk about it Mattheo!" I said as I plucked my arm away. I stormed further down the stairs, leaving Mattheo.

"What's her problem?" the other boy asked, watching me as he and Mattheo walked down the stairs after me.

"I don't know," Mattheo said, also keeping an eye on me.

"She is fucking hot though."

Suddenly Mattheo turned to the boy, grabbing him by the collar of his shirt, gripping it tightly. He stared into his eyes with fury.

"Don't speak about her as if she's a whore," Mattheo said furiously, before dropping him. He turned back around, before rushing down the stairs to me. "Lee!" he called before catching up to me again, right in front of the entrance to the common room. "What happened?!"

I scoffed, before the entrance opened, where I walked inside. "I said I don't want to talk about it Mattheo!"

He didn't take that as an answer. He stormed forward, stepping besides me as I entered the common room. "Why are you so rude suddenly?" he asked curiously.

"I got stood up!" I yelled, suddenly turning to him, looking up at his eyes as he was inches away.

He was surprised, and so was half the common room who heard me.

"You got what?" Draco asked as he walked to us.

I didn't glance his way, rather I kept my eyes on Mattheo's. "I had an anonymous letter saying to meet him at the courtyard before sundown and guess who never showed. I got stood up."

"What?" Blaise asked as he walked up to us. "Who?"

"It was anonymous," I said, still staring into Mattheo's eyes with anger. "Now, Matty. If you will excuse me, I need a fresh shower to wash off the makeup."

Without waiting, I stormed off upstairs, leaving the boys all shocked downstairs. Mattheo turned to Theodore, frowning.

"It was you, wasn't it?" he asked furiously.

With wide eyes Theo took a step back. "What are you talking about?"

Mattheo exhaled in anger. "You wrote a letter yesterday morning to a girl, asking for a date at sundown, today. A trip to get some butterbeer if I am correct?" he stepped forward, causing Theo to take another step back.

"What? No- no- I didn't-"

"Don't lie to me!" Mattheo yelled as he started walking forward, causing Theo to take a step back with every step.

"I didn't mean for her to be alone! I thought-"

"Theo?" Draco questioned as he looked at him. "You stood Lee up?"

"No!" he said quickly, but he knew he was lying. "I mean, yes. I didn't know that she was going. I saw her at dinner, looking like she wasn't going on some sort of date, and-"

"So you didn't notice her all excited, leaving early and not being in the common room when you returned?" Mattheo asked, still walking forward.

Theo shook his head, not wanting to say a word.

"That's low man," Lorenzo said, surprising everyone about his presence.

"Enzo?" Draco questioned, walking closer to him. "You're back?"

Theo looked at Mattheo, before walking against a wall, being cornered. "Look, Matty. It was just one night. It was an accident-"

"She was in tears!" Mattheo yelled, before giving a punch, hitting Theo through the face. He fell to the ground, before Mattheo climbed on top of him, hitting further.

Draco, Blaise, and Lorenzo jumped forward, pulling Mattheo of Theo. He had blood on his knuckled and shirt, but it didn't seem to faze him. Some other Slytherin helped Theo up, as Draco and Lorenzo held Mattheo back.

"And don't call me Matty!" Mattheo yelled as he pushed Draco and Lorenzo off of him.

"Theo stood me up?" I asked from the bottom of the staircase.

Suddenly everyone's eyes fell on me, seeing betrayal in my eyes.


"How did I not expect this?" I asked with a chuckle, interrupting Mattheo. "Theodore Nott. You're going to stay the same god damn prick. What a fucking moran I am for expecting someone who actually wanted to go on a date with me."

"Lee, I didn't-"

"I don't want to hear it!" I said as I turned around, making my way up the staircase again, before rushing into my dorm. I shut the door, locking it before curling into a ball in front of the door. God I was stupid.

"Lee?" I hear someone ask as they knocked on the door.

"Go away Mattheo. I'm fine."

I heard him sigh, but then suddenly slide down onto the floor, sitting against the door. "I know you're not."

"Why do you care?!" I asked bitterly.

He gave a chuckle. "Come on Lee. It's obvious that you're hurt."

I scoffed. "Much for an answer."

"Lee, please. I just want to help."

"And I just want to be alone."

It felt silent, and I figured that Mattheo understood what I ment and left. After a few minutes I stood up, before cleaning my face of and heading to bed.

The Riddle behind it all {M.R.}Where stories live. Discover now