Peter Parker's Favorite Uncle

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It was a perfectly normal Saturday morning. That is, if you ignore the fact that a certain God of Thunder, War Machine, Loki, Hawkeye, Falcon, White Wolf (Winter Soldier) and Ant Man, were arguing over who is Peter's favourite uncle.

"I am the man of spider's favourite uncle!" declared Thor in a loud voice.

Shaking his head, Clint said, "No, I am. Children love me, just ask my kids."

"Cassie doesn't." pointed out Scott. "She loves me more."

"They're your kids! Of course they'll love you!" stated Rhodey rolling his eyes.

"Listen, Peter loves spending time with me, he upgrades Redwing all the time, because he knows how much I love it." said Sam.

Snorting, Loki said, "Peter upgrades everyone's tech all the time. You're not any different."

"Peter always makes cookies with me, regardless of how much time he has to spare. I'm his favourite uncle." said Bucky.

"No! The Stark son shares his pop tarts with me. I'm his favourite uncle." protested Thor.

Clint said, "I'm his favourite! We play Mario Kart together all the time."

"Peter spends more time with me, than all of you. He loves it when I tell him of my stories in Asgard." interrupted Loki.

"Look, Peter's dad is Tony, Tony is my best friend. So I'm kind of by default his favourite uncle." stated Rhodey.

"Peter prefers spending time with Cassie and me. We play with legos almost 24/7!"

The arguing went on for quite a while, until a certain curly haired boy entered the kitchen, woken up by the commotion. Upon seeing the sight in front of him, he stood there, his mouth open with shock, before panicking. If the shouting didn't stop soon, he would have an overload. If he had an overload, Mr. Stark will worry. If Mr. Stark worries, bad things will happen. Solution? Stop the shouting. How to do that? Yup. You guessed it. More shouting. Gathering up all the strength he had this early in the morning, on a Saturday, without his cup of hot chocolate he shouted, "SHUT UP!"

Immediately all the commotion stopped, and each of them looked at Peter fearfully, yes, even Loki. They all knew that an angry Peter was a dangerous Peter. But an angry Peter who woke up unnaturally early and hasn't had breakfast yet? That was terrifying.

"Please explain to me guys," started Peter once he calmed down. "Why exactly are you arguing, sorry, shouting about at this ungodly hour?"

"We...uh..." stuttered Clint. "We were just umm.... arguing... uh... deciding... who your favourite uncle is."

Frowning at them all, Peter said incredulously, "And it didn't cross your mind, that maybe, you could just have waited for a couple of hours for me to wake up, before asking me who my favourite uncle is?"

Clint looked at the others, before they all shook their heads despondently.

"Unbelievable." muttered Peter, before continuing in a louder voice. "I'm going back to bed, and if I hear you people shouting again...... I'll web up all of your favourite snacks together and give them to мама паук."

He turned to leave, when Clint called out. "Wait!"

"What?" asked Peter turning around.

"Can you uhh... can you tell us who is your favourite uncle?"

"Isn't it obvious? It's Uncle Ben."

A/N - Hi! I've got nothing much to say really, except that I hope you enjoyed it, the next one is waaaaay longer, and see you (hopefully) in the next one! Bye!

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