Chapter 3

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“Yeah, I just don’t know what to do. I totally freaked out and ran out and I don’t understand why they wanna even see me again.” Whitty turned to the one person he could trust in situations like this and in general. He shot the basket right over his head.
“Whitty, according to my calculations, you have very much an advantage. So please, in simple terms, go easy on me.” Hex got the ball back and was heading towards Whitty with it. He faked him out and went to shoot.
“Yes! This is it! In all the games we’ve played, my score to you is 170-0. Now it shall be 170-2-!” As he said that, Whitty lifted his left arm and caught the ball in his hand before it could make it to the basket and started dribbling to the other basket.
“Whitty!” Hex chased after him. Whitty made the basket before Hex could even get halfway there.
“Now it’s 172-0,” Whitty smirked and passed Hex the ball.
“Yes, I know that, I am programmed to keep track, Whitty. Well with this person, just go apologize and assure them that it is not their fault.”
“But… it kinda is…? She asked the personal questions, not me.”
Hex held the ball for a second and glared at him, “Whitty, do not let your overwhelming anger and pride get in the way of your judgment. Just go apologize.”
“Ugh fine.” Hex tried to take this opportunity to run to the basket and make a basket, but before he knew it, Whitty was already there and slammed the ball down out of Hex’s hands.
“Aw come on!” Whitty was at a towering 8 '11 and though Hex was 6' 9, it still gave Whitty an advantage in their annual therapy matches (as Hex likes to call it). When one of them is going through a problem of any kind, despite how petty it is, they meet up and play a match. And being 2 feet taller than him, Whitty always wins. He’s the only one Hex has lost to, since he’s the only guy Hex knows that’s 8’ 11 “Statistically, my odds of beating you are 1 out of 160, which is 0.00625%. And trust me, one day, I will be in that percentile!” Hex put his robotic hands triumphantly on his hips and smiled, though he has yet to win anything. Whitty jokingly rolled his eyes.
The basketball court was the only place Whitty felt free enough to not be in disguise in public. The court they were on was an outdoor private court (Hexagon was the official name) owned once by Hex’s caretaker that passed away two years ago. They loved to play basketball so he built Hex his own basketball court where they would play for hours on end. He was an old guy but still had so much fun, but unfortunately passed away. Though he’s nothing but a metal machine with programming, Hex felt like crying at the funeral, though it was physically impossible for him to do so. But he soon moved on and went on in life with a smile. He loved to invite people to his private basketball court. The court fortunately was built in the middle of an abandoned park so no one would see a humanoid bomb and a robot playing basketball in the middle of the day. Whitty didn’t even have his hood on, in fact, he took off his hoodie because of the heat. He felt free to be himself without them finding him. And even if they did and tried to step foot on the court, Hex could arrest them for trespassing. And Hex said he’d do that when they even tried to mess with his best friend.
In technicality, Hex is filthy rich because of the money he inherited from his caretaker but he preferred to be modest and put most of his money in a safe savings account.
“Anyway, Sunday is their name? That sounds very familiar. Let me look through my memory.” As Hex scanned through his files, Whitty dribbled and contemplated what he’ll do with Sunday. It’s strange. He totally lost his cool with Sunday but she still wants to get to know him. If anyone snapped at Whitty that way, he’d probably fake his death and move to the next town over to avoid them. He spent his whole life hiding and on the run. Well, except with Hex. Hex was the one he could trust but no one else. Anyway, he thought about what he’d do. Should he text her he’s sorry or text to meet up face to face to say sorry? He didn’t know. Even after that, does he wanna be friends with them? I mean, he did see something in them, he just couldn’t put his finger on it.
Whitty thought and dribbled but eventually just spaced out. That’s when Hex chimed in, “I found it!” Hex projected a video on his head, it was a video of Sunday singing and playing their guitar and singing with another girl there. All of a sudden, Whitty got a funny feeling in his chest and continued watching the screen in awe. “Approximately 3 years, 4 months, and 17 days ago, Father and I went to a club and they were performing. Sunday is a 22-year-old non-binary guitarist and singer. They’re currently in a band but are looking for a solo career.”
Hex turned off his screen and smiled at Whitty but Whitty looked as though he was staring off into space. “Whitty?” Hex waved his hand in front of Whitty’s face and he came back to reality.
“I- Uh sorry. Um, who… was that?”
“Didn’t I just explain them-?”
“No you idiot, her!” He suggested to the girl that Sunday was singing with.
Hex got to work and after a minute or two, he finished his analytics.
“Whitty, that appears to be Carol. According to the media report, she is an African American 19-year-old female, also a singer but more as a hobby than a profession.” Whitty stopped listening and just stared, he felt a feeling that he’d never felt before.
“Hex… run an analysis on what I’m feeling.”
“Well Whitty, a please would be nice and I’m not computing what you’re asking me to do.”
“I feel weird Hex, my face feels like it’s burning up, my stomach feels weird, my chest feels tight. Am I having a heart attack?”
“Oh no, my dear friend! It seems you have a case of… love at first sight!”
Whitty blushed and looked away. “Please, you’re a robot, what do you know about love.”
“Whitmore, I may be a robot but I have a program to run analysis on human emotion and my rates of being correct are approximately 99%. You’re in love!”
“Ugh, well I must be in the 1% then, I am not in love.”
“Whitty, it is okay to admit your emotions! You must be interested in Carol since you were not as red when talking about Sunday.” Hex let out a little laugh at Whitty’s expense. Whitty's fuse shot straight up. His face was red. But all he could say was...
“Oh shut up.”

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