"What's this?" Aurora frowned staring down at the item in both curiosity and fear, an unknown fear that made her dread whatever was on the inside.
"Open it up" Tommy muttered removing his cap and placing his hands on her desk, swaying back and forth as he waited impatiently "I did some research on your new boyfriend, open it up"
Her frown deepened on her face but she didn't say anything, instead she did what was asked and opened the file to see Teddy's lovely face staring back up at her. He was in his soldiers uniform, all the men had their photos took before going to war and no man came home with the same innocent look and wonderful smiles. Even Teddy appeared different with no harsh lines on his face and a troubled stare that wondered off sometimes, he looked like a child.
Allowing her eyes to leave the photograph, Aurora began to read the writing beside it and felt her throat cease up as her heart plummeted to the floor.
"What's this?" She asked again her fingers lightly caressing the printed words at the top of the page.

Louis Edward White.
That was Teddy yet it was. Aurora could see him staring right at her as her eyes darted across the page over and over until she felt sick to her stomach.
"I don't understand" She whispered wishing the file would disappear or find it's why into the fire. She didn't believe her Teddy capable of lying to her, there had to be some explanation. Teddy was truthful and sweet, he couldn't lie whenever he tried to he'd just snort before letting out a loud chuckle. Louis Edward White was not Teddy, he couldn't be.
"The man you've been flaunting about on your arm doesn't exist mouse so tell me, who is Teddy?" Tommy demanded softly taking in Aurora's surprised face. She hadn't known. Suddenly Tommy wished he'd listened to Arthur when he told him to go gently and in kindness.
"This has to be a mistake" Aurora proclaimed strongly closing the file with a loud scoff and looking up at Tommy with a disapproving stare.
"What mistake mouse? The evidence is right there in front of you. Edward Ward is no one, you've been lied to. He's played you mouse, he's played all of us"
Tommy rolled his eyes as he watched Aurora shake her head. He'd never thought her stupid, he'd always thought her bright but seeing the denial in her eyes irritated him.
"I know Teddy, he wouldn't hide something like this from me. He's good" Aurora protested, anger boiling up inside her as Tommy chuckled in disbelief and let out a curse.
"Fuckin' 'ell! You know Teddy do you? You know him ey?!"
"Just because you didn't know who Grace was doesn't mean I don't know who Teddy is" Aurora snapped before she could stop herself and taking a deep breath she tried to take control back "This situation is different, Teddy is different or Louis, whatever his name is I don't care"
"Well I care mouse! You let this man come into our lives, you told this man everything, opened up to him and led him straight through the fuckin' door. You're a Hayes mouse, think with your fuckin' head and do some research before you hop into bed with someone" Tommy barked tapping his finger against the file so sharply Aurora believed he would puncture through it and into the desk beneath.
"I didn't hop into bed with him!" Aurora hissed standing up and grabbing the file "Why did you do this Thomas? Why did you research him? Are you trying to hurt me?"
"Not everything is personal Aurora! This is business and I need you to go find that man of yours and find out if he is working for our enemies" Tommy demanded straightening his back as they stared on another down. Tommy was surrounded by those who wanted him dead and he would undermine them by any means necessary. He would find the rats.
"Our enemies? You have enemies Tom, not me but Teddy is not one of your enemies because despite you standing 'ere rolling your fucking eyes at me, I know him and I don't just believe I know him because I've hopped into bed with him like you said, I fucking know him!" Aurora choked out, her hands trembling causing the file to shake against her chest "Get out"
Tommy remained in his place continuing to stare at her as if she were a stupid little girl living in a fantasy, so removed from the real world where Teddy could be the enemy.
"Fine! If you won't leave then I will!"
With the file still in hand Aurora gave Tommy once last glare before walking away from her desk and towards the exit. She couldn't bring herself to stay in the same room as him.
"Don't be a child Aurora!" Tommy called after her listening to the click of her heels tapping against the floor furiously.
"Oh why don't you do us all a favour Thomas and fuck off!"

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