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Kazuya POV

I have made Ōtsutsuki clan members out of my chakra and most of the guard are just either White Zetsu under a genjutsu or puppets. it has been a few thousand years since Hagaromo died his sons Indra and Ashura died as well and both had descendants, the Senju and Uchiha, Hagaromo is a fool he has given a gift to humans that wasn't his now all they have done was find more reasons go to war and endless fighting. Some of this was Black Zetsu's doing but I have to admit it's rather amusing. Now that I have rebuilt the Ōtsutsuki clan by forming some members out of my chakra and allowing them to breed within the clan we are the strongest, most feared, and most formidable foes and of course brother has helped me write the Ōtsutsuki's correct place in history at the top we are known as the originator of all clans an elite clan that has only birthed the strongest of warriors and we of course made another thing clear, that we posses more chakra than anything or any mortal could comprehend and of course the signature Ōtsutsuki look they will all of course have horns and their signature rinnegan sharingan or byakugan and originally their pale eyes when they aren't using their dojutsu not to mention I got my brother to also rewrite history and make it to where it had everything written down in every history book about the Immortal head of the Ōtsutsuki clan and of course the maids are Ōtsutsuki as well I wouldn't dare allow anything that is not Ōtsutsuki a puppet or white or black Zetsu stand before me, that was until something interesting came knocking at my door they were Indra and Ashura or more precisely their reincarnates and i don't know about the other one. Apparently they have stopped war and have made peace but I highly doubt it will be for long. They still haven't fought to the death yet.

Maid/ Ōtsutsuki-sama three men are outside the compound gate they say they wish to speak with you

Kazuya/ I see get some guards I will go personally and prepare some tea in the east wing garden

Maid/ Yes of course Ōtsutsuki-sama

Hashirama POV

Hashirama/ Can you believe this Madara we are actually gonna meet the Originator of all clans and jutsu

Madara/ Yes yes but could you keep it down and show some respect when we get there

Tobirama/ He's right brother the whole point of this trip is to form an alliance and get the Head of the clan to agree to join Konoha and lends us their strength

Hashirama/ Seriously why are you guys so serious all the time

We get close to our destination and see a huge compound


Tobirama/ Be quiet Hashirama

But when we walk closer to the entrance we feel huge heavy amounts of chakra it Didn't even feel humanly possible for people to possess this much chakra and it the just coming from the two guards standing at the entrance.

Guard 1/ State your business here

Tobirama/ We wish to speak with your clan head if possible

Kazuya POV

I heard a loud man speaking so I could only assume that it was Ashura's reincarnation.

I soon flew over to them and my puppet guards walked below me

Kazuya/ I am the Ōtsutsuki clan head you wished  to speak


Tobirama's face turned to stone while Madara had shadows over his eyes I was just fuming with anger did this filthy mortal just assume I was a female and my third had opened then Tobirama had hit him upside the head

Madara/ Hashirama you fool he is clearly a male

Tobirama/ I apologize for this idiot's behavior

Kazuya/ Follow me

We all walk to the garden and sit down the maid comes with some tea

Kazuya/ So what is it you wanted to speak with me about

Hashirama/ We are creating a village and we wish for you and your clan to be a part of it and we could also really use your military power

Kazuya/Okay I'll associate myself with this plan of yours

Tobirama POV

It shouldn't be that easy he was so quick at agree there's has to be something behind it it took us almost hours to get some other clans to agree but he said yes so easily I can't believe it.

Kazuya/Is something the matter I said

Tobirama/ N-no nothing wrong I'm just shocked at how easily you said yes, but do you mind telling me why you said yes so easily Ōtsutsuki-sama

Kazuya/Well it's simple the idiot and the porcupine remind me of my nephews

Hashirama becomes depressed while Madara get irritated

Tobirama/How so

Kazuya/I suppose it's because Ashura was an idiot just like that man over there but he is loving and caring while Indra was smart a little cold hearted and saught power but the real reason you remind me of them is most likely because you're their reincarnations. You see my nephew Ashura was the one who started the Senju and Uzumaki while Indra was the one who started the Uchiha, but when Ashura was chosen as Hagaromo's successor otherwise known to you as the Sage Of Six Paths, Indra grew angry and Ashura and Indra ended up fighting but Ashura won but a few hours later died from the injuries but Indra soon knew that he made mistakes and apologized to his brother right before he died but when they died their chakra was passed on to the next and created a reincarnation cycle you two right now are those reincarnates you were destined to battle, with each other but now that I see you are done battling  and haven't died once you die in the later life the next reincarnations will be born.

All of us were shocked at the information we just received

Kazuya/ The reason I said yes is so I can watch my Nephews' reincarnations grow up, and the next reincarnations are most likely to be born in the Senju Uchiha or Uzumaki clan and there you have it.

Tobirama/ I see thank you for answering my question

Kazuya/ Think nothing of it

Kazuya POV

Ugh I can't believe what I just said that half breeds children my nephews TCH like hell. The reason they fought is because of their lowly imperfections and their damn dominant human side.

They never deserved the gift of chakra In the first place all chakra belongs to mother.

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