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Bunny lady says "The assassination failed. Sun rong is still alive, safe, and sound. My client is very unhappy. Our men were blasted with the Mercy of Buddha and you don't even know you did it."
Bun mask 13 says "Boss, According to our intelligence, she may have a very strong and powerful man to protect her. That's why our men—
The lady kills the guy
Bunny lady says "Over the past hundreds of years,Shadow Faction has had 100% success to stay on the top of this trade. This incident is a Huh humiliation for us. Issue a Shadow Kill Order." She shatters the whine glass in her hand
(What a waste of perfectly good whine😭)
Mask guy 11 says "Boss, the Shadow Kill Order is still in Primary Phase. -It's..."
Bunny lady "-You don't understand, do you?"
All says "-Yes, Boss. We're on it."
"-Yes, Boss. We're on it.
A spy fly hovers over the school gates.
Bunny lady says "Target is right on the street. We might as well shoot her directly with a Machine gun."
Mask guy 11 says "Boss, I'm afraid that would have negative social influence."
Bunny lady says "Isn't this the guy who went on a date with her yesterday?"
Wang Ling, Force Value: 5, Harmless
Bunny lady says "Who's the pretty girl next to him?"
Y/N L/N, Force Value: 5, Harmless
Sun Rong hops like a bunny calling out Wang Ling name

From the way Sun Rong behaves, The trick of promise last night was effective.

Guo Hao wraps his arm around Wang Ling he whisper with a sly grin on his face

"Hey, you brat. You hade a date with Sun Rong Yesterday. That was a stroke of luck."

Chen Chao creepily holds Wang Ling hand lifting it slowly cringing over it with a blush he says "This hand touched her, right?"

Sun Rong waves "Good morning,Wang Ling." The two idiot friend turn around quickly playing there creep actions off as if it never happened
Guo Hao says "Didn't do anything wrong, did we?" Sun Rong confused says "Why do you ask, Guo Hao?" Guo Hao says "Because we are surrounded by your bodyguards!"
Teacher walks into the circle he says "Sun Rong, the assassins who tried to kill you in Heavenly Paradise are still active. We'll put you under special protection today."
Sun Rong says "Assassins? Wang Ling and I were having fun in Heavenly Paradise. We didn't see any assassins at all." Everyone looks at Wang Ling
The trick of promise yesterday was effective. Wang Ling Feels relived.

Master Zhuo says "That's because I found them first." Chen chao says "Master Zhuo."

4396 : 7 : 12: 20: 23: 46

Flash back
Yesterday night
Wang Ling and Sun Rong walking from the Ferris wheel
Sun Rong bodyguard says "Are you all right, miss?"

Other bodyguard says "The hostage is safe now. All units, get ready to escort her." Sun Rong says "We'll, it's time for me to go." Sun Rong runs off while being escorted out saftely you become visible with a glare Wang Ling says "Sorry for blasting you ill buy you coffee jelly tomorrow."

You say "You better."
Master Zhuo says "Ms. Sun Rong is safe now. Rest assured, Master. Your Mercy of Buddha really impressed me." Wang Ling says "Zhuo Yi." Master Zhuo says "Yes, Master." Wang Ling point at Master Zhuo with a dark glare saying "Remember. It is you. Who got rid of the assassins."

As you two walk off

with a Cheshire Cat Smile you look back at Master Zhuo you wink before disappearing in blue smoke as you never were there Wang Ling didn't bother to acknowledge what you did but Zhuo was slightly frightened

Wang telepathically- Your a fucking sadistic weirdo
Y/n-Lies you tell
Wang-Oh how dare I tell a lie will god punish me for sins
Y/n-Yeah yeah I'm going to bed

Back to the present

Mast Zhuo says " Yesterday, I secretly got rid of the assassins that were trying to kill Ms.Sun Rong.

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