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McGonagall led me straight to her office, a large, circular building adorned with the portraits of the many past Headmasters and Headmistresses of Hogwarts. I recognised Dumbledore immediately, the largest picture in the room, his eyes twinkling as if he were still still alive. "Take a seat," McGonagall urged, sitting herself down in a regal armchair behind a long, handsome desk. I sat myself on the chair, wondering what I was doing in McGonagall's office. None of my pranks this year had been overly severe... 

"I'm sure you're wondering why I've brought you here," McGonagall stated, seemingly reading my thoughts.

"Yeah, I am."

McGonagall sighed, wringing her hands. "This afternoon, a Thestral came to my door."

"Lovely story, Professor, but what does this have to do with me?"

"Let me finish, Miss Evans. This Thestral came with a letter from an unknown person who signed their name as 'K'.  

"Now, this 'K' left us with a startling message,  written on black parchment with the blood of a unicorn." I winced, wondering who would have been cruel enough to murder such a gentle, angelic creature.

"Here's the parchment." McGonagall pushed a rolled-up scroll toward me, hands trembling. I squinted, trying to decipher the writing, when McGonagall cleared her throat. 

"It reads: 

Greetings, professors of Hogwarts. I leave you this message not as a warning, but as a request to consider my cause. You do not know me. You have never seen me or heard of me. But I've heard of you. You are arguably some of the most elite wizards and witches in our world, which is why I have decided not to attack you. I simply respect you too much. You do, however, have something-someone-I want.

You see, I have encountered a slight hitch in my plan. A natural enemy. A vanquisher. Or, as I like to call them, a nemesis. They are unknowingly draining me of my power as days pass, and I am afraid that without this sacrifice, I will fade from this Earth.

I am searching for the heir of the sun. The one who bears the heart of the lion and the radiance of one too, and the venom and brain of the snake upon which it shone, helpless, as the reptilian creature murdered the innocence humankind was born with.

I do not know who they are or what they look like. All I know is that they are equally split between the embodiment of the lion and the snake. Of bravery and of cunning. Of nerve and stealth.

Of Gryffindor and Slytherin.

Only one remains. Bring them to your door unarmed or suffer the consequences.

Yours faithfully,


"Naturally, this led us to the Sorting Hat, who led us to... you. I can't say I wasn't expecting that it would be you-there is only one other hatstall currently attending Hogwarts, and that's Angel Zabini. She ended up in Ravenclaw."

 I stared blankly at McGonagall, realising she would likely chain me up any moment now. It was only a small sacrifice, throwing me out of the castle for my supposed 'nemesis' to take me and kill me. I perked up in the balls of my feet, ready to run.

"Of course, sacrifice is not an option."

I sighed, relieved, as I sunk back into my chair.

"This means that we must first discover who 'K' is, and then figure out how to tap into your abilities and defeat them."

My eyes widened. "Me? Defeat 'K'?"

McGonagall smiled, still looking rather stern. "When the time is right. For now, we must investigate the essence of the magic seeping into your body."

Another Chosen One-A Harry Potter FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now