Chapter 17

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I scrambled. I shoved my phone in my hoodie pocket and pressed myself into the wall. Within all the chaos, the Confidential folder slipped out of my grasp and cluttered to the floor a few feet away. All of the papers and photos flew out of the folder. 

 Damn it. It's just out of my reach.  

 I heard Ian and Calvin step into my closet. "Come out come out wherever you are," Ian cooed. "I know you're in here somewhere." I held my breath as I heard them looking through the racks of my clothes. 

 My heart was pumping, and beads of sweat started to trickle down from my forehead. I wiped them hastily away with the back of my hand. I desperately wanted Gaven or Chloe or anyone to dart in and come to my rescue. 

 I heard them slowly walking the perimeter of my closet, making sure they didn't miss a spot. 

  "Are you sure she's even—" 

 Calvin cut Ian off. "Yes I'm positive. I did my research and I forced some information out of Loretta." 

 My blood went cold. How do they know Loretta? 

 "She better be here, or I'll—" Ian stopped mid-sentence. He picked something up. I heard him ruffling through papers... 

 Shit. He grabbed the Confidential folder. That's the thing he was looking for. 

 "Calvin," Ian began. "I think I hit the jackpot." I could practically feel him grinning from ear to ear. I heard Calvin inch closer to Ian to get a better look at the folder. 

 "Damn," Calvin breathed in awe. 

 "Yup," Ian replied proudly. Then, he got all business again. "She's definitely in here." 

 "Yeah, but where? I mean, we checked every nook and cranny!" 

 "Not quite...” Ian handed Calvin the folder. 

 I saw his shadow inching towards the mirror. I looked up and saw his meaty hand grip the trim of it. 

 Crap. He found me. 

 Then, Ian hoisted the mirror up, revealing where I was hiding. 

 He looked down at me and smiled a devilish grin, his yellow teeth shining in the light. I heard Calvin walk over to where Ian was, still gripping the Confidential folder. Ian gave Calvin a look, and Calvin instantly nodded at him. Then they acted on it. 

 Ian threw down the mirror with a thud, glass shards flying everywhere. I instantly jumped up, trying to desperately escape. I started my sprint to the door, when Ian pinned me to the nearest wall, racks of clothes falling at our feet. Calvin slammed the door, and locked it from the inside. Silence then passed over the room, and I could hear someone bounding down the steps. 

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