Who rules the school?

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*Mandy's perspective*

Oh school, the place where people either want to be you- or kill you. However, the majority of people prefer to kill you while they act like they adore you. That's how girls work. And as usual, there's always that person who has to be superior to someone else; the Regina George of the school. In this case, it's Nina. 

"Hey!" I turn to see my best friends Claire and Topanga smiling towards me, I flash a smile back and head towards them.

"Sup guys, what's up?" I ask, as we go in to school.

"Nothing much, we just saw Nina acting all close with Jaydea and Spencer, she hates them though. And they hate her. Basically they're bitches" Topanga laughs.

"Ugh, when they split up they better not be crawling to us" I add as we sit down infront of our form.

"Nina is just a fucked up hoe, she lies, manipulates, backstabs, is homophobic and is SO fake" Claire says.

"Totally"  Me and Topanga say at the same time, we all start laughing.

Nina tried to split me, Topanga and Claire up. I used to be her best friend, she lied to me to make me hate them and the lesson is learnt- never trust her. She probably lied to Spencer about me to make her hate me but it isn't my problem, they both despise each other. I am certainly not the one faking who I am friends with.

The bell rings for school and everyone floods through the door, the teacher Mrs. Beacon arrives and we all go into form.

"What first?" Claire asks me and Topanga as we sit in our seats.

"Umm we have french. Ugh we have to sit behind Nina" I groan.

"This is gonna be fun" Topanga laughs, after several minutes of talking and laughing about everything- we head to french.

As we enter the doors, I face the front to see Nina glaring at me with her fake eyes and I just glare back. This is gonna be fun. 

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