Angy Chipmunk

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Welcome back everyone! Hope you guys are ready for another chapter! Enjoy!

What's coming up in this chapter and warnings: Fluff and Spoilers!¡!¡!


Coldness. Emptiness. Regret. Sense of being a failure... I don't know. Could I have done more for the kids? Could things be different?

I sat in my room on the floor with the album back open again, staring into it, with my back against the bed and my knees pulled to my chest. Being with the kids and being their teacher was a big blessing I didn't know I needed to feel light and happiness again. But after everything was over, the kids grew older, I feel like I lost my place. I don't know how to describe it. I can tell I lost the confidence in who I am. ...Yet I'm clinging onto Karasuma because he has this feel of belonging and sense of security that I can't help but be pulled into.

Right on cue, I heard a knock on the door, and I shoved the album under the bed and perked up once again. "Dinner is getting cold." He muttered, all muffled through the door then continued.

"You need to have the papers done by tomorrow so we can go do our next mission by Wednesday. Have you even started on it?" I huffed under my breath and swung open the door and pushed a stack of papers in his hands. "What? Like someone like me would be behind on their missions? I was trained to be the best you know." I brushed my golden hair back behind my shoulder as I walked past him to head towards the kitchen. I could practically feel his deadpan look behind my back. I slipped into the stool at the counter and pulled out a hamburger from the bag, trying to hold back a disgusted look at the take out food. I'm definitely never going to get used to take out. Alas I started to munch away as I saw him make his way to the couch in the corner of my eye and pull out his laptop to most likely work.

I looked back into the back to confirm that he hasn't eaten his food yet either. ...He gets to bother me to eat when food is cold, just for him to skip is own??? Feeling irritated, I grabbed his burger and went to sit on the couch beside him and handed his hamburger to him. "Eat" I said in a slight annoyed voice. ...He just continued to type rapidly on the computer as if he wanted to commit murder on his keyboard. I cleared my throat and poked his cheek with the burger. "I SAID *eat.*" He just shook his head and muttered to me that he's not hungry, never breaking concentration from his work. At this point I grumbled to myself and unwrapped the burger from its paper and booped the burger on his nose getting mustard and ketchup on his nose. At that, he paused what he was doing, looked at me and blinked with a slight taken back look... then glared, and looked back at his computer. He just licked his nose and continued working again. "Stop Irina. Leave me to work." he responded in a gruff voice, clearly annoyed. ...Although I didn't process what he said for a moment since my brain paused at the moment and realization he had a... long tongue.... ahem- FOCUS IRINA!

With a shake of my head I grumbled more. "You get to always tell and judge*me* when I don't eat and don't take care of myself, yet you don't even take care of yourself! Kinda frustrating you know!" I told him with a small glare and huff." He just let out a long ass sigh. "*Well* I can't do anything about it if I'm simply not hungr-" Not wanting to hear it, I just shoved the hamburger in his mouth and crossed my arms with a tiny smirk. He gave me the iciest glare, but with the burger stuffing his cheeks, I couldn't help but start bursting out laughing. I clutched onto my stomach trying to compose myself but instead started to topple over as he started to slowly and grumpily chew his burger. "Y-You l-look..." I couldn't form any sentences. "like a-a chipmunk-!" Karasuma just stood up and left the room with one last angry glare, leaving Irina with her hysterics.

Thank you so much for reading this chapter! Up next, will Karasuma be the one to reassure and heal Irina? Will she find herself and her confidence again? Find out in the next chapter!

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⏰ Letzte Aktualisierung: Jul 26, 2021 ⏰

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