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"Hey, hey we don't want to hurt you. Please Just put down the bat. Hotch, I found her!" the woman yelled as the boy put his hands up slightly to pose no threat. 'THEY ARE LYING TO YOU!' my mind screamed, God just shut up, they could be nice OK? I slightly lower the bat but I hear more people coming down the hall. I instantly lift it back up to be fair I am scared out of my mind.

"Kid just put the bat down we aren't here to hurt you" I tanned man said as he stopped at the door gesturing to the people around him as he talks.

"HOW DO I KNOW YOU'RE NOT LYING!!!" I scream at them as tears roll down my face. All their expressions soften as they see my state. More tears roll down my face as the woman steps forward, I raise the bat a bit more. She hesitates to take another step but does anyway.

"Honey plea- "I cut her off by screaming.

"DON'T CALL ME THAT! Don't ... don't call me that please... please just don't" I scream but start to slowly crumble having the adrenaline finally wear off I realize what has happened in the home that I thought was safe. my home, my mum, why? More tears stream down my face as I drop the bat and fall to the floor in disbelief.

"My-my mum is... is she..." I say looking at the floor instead of looking at them. I hear her sigh before footsteps come up to me and kneel in front of me.

"I'm so sorry" the lady says as she pulls me into a hug. I grab ahold of her while crying into her shoulder. She starts to rub my back while shushing me. After a little, I stop crying and lift my head from her shoulder. She looks me in my eyes and grabs my hand to walk me downstairs. While walking down the stairs I see my mother being covered by a white tarp. A single tear rolled down my face but I was quick to wipe it away before the lady saw or I hope no one saw.

" Kid my name is Derek Morgan, this is Aaron Hotchner, David Rossi, Emily Prentiss, Jennifer Jareau, and Doctor Spencer Reid. Is it alright if we ask you a few questions?" Derek said in a soft voice as to not spook me any more than what just happened. I sighed before mumbling a yes.

" What's your name?" I presume Jennifer Jareau asked me. Still slightly shaken up I let out a shaky breathe before answering.

" My name is Y/n, Y/n Y/l/n." I say softly with a soft sigh afterward. She nods her head and asks another question.

" Did you see that man's face when you found your mother?" she asked. I instantly shot my head up to look at her dead in the eyes.

" What did you say?" I say dangerously low. Don't they know not to ask a kid who just witnessed a death those sorts of questions? I'm a teen and I should be able to handle this but I could feel a tear slip from my eye, I didn't bother wiping it away just continued staring at this woman.

" I'm sorry that was out of line. What my friend meant to ask is if you could describe the man you saw " the other woman which I guessed was Emily Prentiss. She looked at me while placing a hand on the other's shoulder pushing her back slightly.

"i-  not really, I was in shock I couldn't make out his face but he was wearing baggy clothes and he had a limp but was really fast." I explained to Emily. She nodded her head before placing her hand on the small of my back.

"Let's make sure you aren't hurt, Just come over to the ambulance and they will check you out." Emily said while leading me away from the group of people and brought me towards the ambulance. Emily seemed nice; I think I can trust her. After the paramedics checked me out and gave me the okay to go, I started to walk back over to Emily. I tugged on her sleeve like a little kid, but it got her attention, so I win.

"They said I was okay, a small gash on my forehead but they said it was alright" I said in a small voice. I was afraid of what the others would say about me interrupting their talk.

"That's great Y/n, you wouldn't mind coming down to the station with us would you?" she asked softly so as to not scare me, she felt like the mother I never had or the one I wanted. I nodded shyly but when I looked up I could see everyone but who I assumed was Aaron Hotchner smiling softly. They are kind, why was I afraid of them? I keep questioning myself. She places her hand softly on my shoulder guiding me towards a group of black SUVs. I silently climbed into the back of the car I saw Emily go into. Two others piled in, if I could recognize them well enough I had to guess it was, David Rossi and Derek Morgan. I sit silently all the ride back to the station.

"Alright everyone we are here now." Rossi said as we pulled up to the station. I watched everyone get out but stayed put still questioning my choices.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2023 ⏰

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