"Well... I guess he could come and hang out with us," Ebizo shrugged. "As long as he brings Mifune."

"I'm sure Mifune will love the opportunity to go outside!" Teiko chirped, "It'll give me a break, too."

Juichi stirred from his slumber and rubbed his eyes. He rubbed them again when he saw Ebizo. "What's he doing here?"

"He's just visiting," Teiko insisted, "He was just saying that he'd love to have you hang out with his group of friends!"

"Wh-What?" Juichi grumbled, "I don't... I'd only hang out with them so I can show how I'm the best Persona user out of all of them!"

"We'll still need your help," Ebizo told him, putting Mifune back down. "We don't know what's causing those things to happen. We'll need your help."

"Ugh, fine," Juichi rolled his eyes. "As long as it doesn't interrupt my babysitting duties."

"I hope you get this sorted out soon," Teiko smiled at the two. "Not even the police can do something about this..."

"It's okay, Teiko. We'll do our best to get things back to normal," Ebizo said, "Trust in us!"

A tarot card floated above Teiko's head. It was the Judgement Arcana. Ebizo smiled at the sight. He must be getting close getting the entire deck, right?


The group had decided to meet up for the first time with Juichi included. Whilst they had explained most things to Juichi, they fully expected him to have even more questions. Asking questions was basically his job.

Juichi approached the group with a pram - Mifune was inside, sleeping soundly. He stood awkwardly near the group. "Um. This isn't my baby."

"We know. We were there," Eriko reminded him, "I bet lots of people have asked you that, huh?"

Chieko rushed over to meet Mifune. "Oh, look how cute she is! Hayasaki! Isn't she so cute? Huh?"

"She is cute," Hayasaki admitted, "But we're supposed to be talking about Luethea, not how cute the baby is..."

"She's only here to give Teiko a break," Juichi told them, "Teiko said she might enjoy the fresh air. I, uh, guess she's right..."

"Let's talk about Luethea, then," Ebizo insisted, "So... any guesses as to where they might target next?"

"The last building was probably the biggest thing in Jansaai," Akoto said, "I don't see what they could take next..."

"I thought about this," Juichi jumped into the conversation, "Perhaps they'll target somewhere that has a large area. Rather than height, they'll go for something like that."

"We still don't get why they're doing this, though," Akoto grumbled, "I wish we would figure that out..."

"Maybe we will, now that we have a detective on the case!" Aurora chirped, "I'm sure we'll find out some big information soon. It's only a matter of time."

"Don't look at me for answers," Natsumi mumbled, "I don't know, either... it just started happening one day."

"People are aware of it, too," Koichi noted, "Have you seen the amount of paranormal investigators in town? I've heard that the hotels are booked up, too. Whatever this is, it's bringing a lot of tourism to Jansaai."

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