The Wise Knew Understanding

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Open your mind to living more sighs of the tv show host

As I chimed in too listen as the inspiration filled the room as if I was part of the mass crowd . Faces from all over the world cheers . The lesson was on the perspective of opening your mind extrovert or introvert

adventurous, outgoing or shy, and quite

Your not wrong if you choose either way extrovert or introvert

What are you ,

As quickly as I could, I held my silence not to even breathe

Not a single bone in my twenty-nine year a of life

Had enough strength or energy too yell

All theses years gone by and this is what I have

A gentle life,full of treasure, and by that I mean for everything created theres good found and to everything there is good created.

1 Timothy 4:4 For everything God created is good, and nothing is to be rejected if it is received with thanksgiving,

I was assured about the verse when I first laid eyes

My spirit welcomed the words and reached into my depths and began to worship

Oh fault leave deter, insecurities leave deter, embarrassment leave deter

Leave me now I refuse to turn myself over to you evil, I bring my self into a holy praise and began worshipping, and casting out all unbelief, false belief, over me.

Oh help me now to see clear help me now to believe.

2 Corinthians 10:5 casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;

Oh now I need your help ,oh now I am saved. I don’t have to no longer  go through life not knowing what to believe or what not to trust.

By faith I am released, by faith I receive you ,by faith I believe and receive you.

Release me into the good Heavens.

Abba Abba I am blessed your laws reside And are protection over me and I pray I never displease you in your trust. Trust in me as in you .

Carry me over the mountains, and across the valleys take me to the pasture and lay me in the hands of the mightest palms wrap yourself around me and bring me where I belong

Take me home,

From out the Blue I walk into the murky holy water and as I rest upon my back, under I began to sink.

As the neighbors and communities gather around to watch a story told. It’s expressed to me how together works as a whole not just not to be alone but to have part by your side just in case you fall or fail.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2021 ⏰

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