III. Mordecai's Depression in the Country

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A song on an alpine horn can be heard throughout the countryside of the small village of Risembool. Edward and Mordecai's home. Another alpine horn answers the call of the other in a back and forth manner. It was nice to come back home after a disastrous night. The calm and serenity of the hills and fields were a wonderful needed change of pace. But the lingering feeling of rejection is still present in Mordecai's head. Luckily, Edward is there to keep him in check.

"Mordecai!" He would often say, "Are you feeling alright?" Mordecai was out of his lingering trance.

"Oh, I-I'm okay. Uh... thanks for letting me hop on with you to home".

"Hey, it's no problem" Ed replies happily. "I think a trip home would put you at ease. And besides, Winry wanted me to drop off a few things at Granny's house. And I also need to check up on my little brother, and the family farm". On the horse and cart Edward had last night, they continue traveling through the countryside of their hometown, the melody of the shepherd's alpine horns ringing through the hills and mountains. Mordecai couldn't help but notice how well Edward can handle a horse, especially since both how hard it is to tame one of these gallant steeds.

"Hey, Ed. I wonder how you were able to learn how to control horses. I can barely tame one, let alone on a cart".

"It's not that hard really, living on a farm for most of your life would teach you a lot of things. Though mostly, I did read up on a few things in the libraries".

"Oh, so your father never taught you this?"

"How could I learn from someone who hasn't been in my life ever, the bastard" Ed replies a little ticked. Not at Mordecai, but to his deadbeat father that left him and his family when he was younger. "No, I had to learn everything more or less by myself. Just me and the books".

"Oh. I'm sorry".

"It's nothing really. That's all in the past. I assume he's dead anyway. How about you? Are you going to visit your folks?"

"Nah, they disowned me for taking up my passions rather than working at the family inn".

"I figured it much. But you are lucky to have lived with your folks, someone older and wiser to look up to. All we ever had was each other, and for a while Granny and Winry". Edward was feeling sentimental at this point, something that Mordecai or any of their friends rarely see in him. The horns continue to play, probably at the point of which the sheep that were being called were almost all herded. Just in time too, as the cart reached in front of a small, two-story cottage, behind it was fields of vast farmland growing mostly potatoes, corn, and grapes. This was the Elric farm, a lot more simple and humbler than that of Suoh's Chateau during the previous night which is to be expected for, unlike Mordecai's family which were doing really well, the Elrics were not as well off. Edward ties the horse up to a post and opens up the small gate that leads to his home.

"Well, we're here. Come along Mordecai". Mordecai hops off the cart and walks with Ed to the front door. He knocks on the door, and footsteps along with a muffled voice are heard inside. The door opens to reveal his younger brother, Alphonse Elric. Though a bit taller than him, he is younger by one year. It was hard not to see him as Ed's brother, he has the same blond colored hair and yellow eyes.

"Brother!" He says happily, before embracing him in his arms. Ed does the same.

"It's been a while, Al".

"I hope your studies are going well".

"Better than well. You know me, just returning for the weekend to check up on you".

"Oh brother, I'm doing well thank you". Al looks back to see Mordecai, who has often visited the Elrics since the beginning of Ed's studies at the university. "Oh, bonjour Mordecai. Fancy seeing you here with brother". Mordecai waves hello back, but after that looks to the side of his shoulder absolutely silent.

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