Finding You

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Another school year has finally arrived." I sighed when I saw August approaching. I was gonna be in my last year in high school and yes! I'll finally decide if I'll do international studies or no. I went to my room to fix my things and went to bed thinking of something. 

 The day has finally arrived and I numbly went to school. "Y/N! Oh my gosh! Why are u late?!" My best friend Scarlet asked me despite being only 30 seconds late. "I'm sorry/ Why are u screaming?" I asked confused. "Look! There's a new boy there." I looked around and saw him. Damn! He looks so....... hot. "Oh!" I gasped in shocked. "DON'T TELL ME U LIKE HIM!" She chuckled. "I DON'T LIKE HIM!" I shouted while blushing.

"Yes you do"

"No I don't"

"Yes you do"

"I said I DON'T!"

"Ok ok. Y/N calm down"

"Imma go to class. See u at lunch" I said walking away from her and towards my classroom.

 My first class is math, Something I hate and love in the same time. Unknowingly, that boy who Scarlet was talking about................ IS MY CLASSMATE. Like what? "Class! May I have your attention please? This is Joshua Hong and he will be your new classmate." Ms Smith (Who is our Math Teacher) said in a rather gentle tone. "Hi! I'm Joshua Hong! Nice to meet u all!" He said leaving me shocked. "Go sit there next to Y/N"'WAIT.... WHAT' I screamed inside being shocked. Well...... The thing is..... I'm the only one who has no seatmate so I guess it makes sense? He sat next to me and OH MY GOD he looks so..... good. I couldn't concentrate the lecture.

 Math time was finally over. It felt like a century because of stupid algebra . "Hey! Y/N!" I looked back and saw Joshua calling me. "Oh hi! How did you know my name?" I asked."I saw your notes"




"Ok ok HAHAHHAHA. Anyway, Y/N... Can u be my second friend here?"

'Wait, second? Who's number one?""Y/N? Are u ok? Just in case you wanted to know who is number one, it's Jun."

"Ah....ok ok. Sure then!"

"Great! Let's go to our next class."


Since then, we became close. We will have lunch together with Scarlet. Talk to one another. Shared secrets. I unknowingly fell in love with him yet, I don't wanna lose him. I decided to stay away from him for the best.

 2 months later.... We will finally leave one another to pursue another chapter of our lives when. "Y/N!"

"Huh? Shua?"

"Let's talk."

"T-t-talk? W-w-why?"

"Why are u avoiding me?"

I was left shocked.

"Y/N! Answer me!" He said in a very angry tone.


"What? Hate me?"

"I LOVE YOU!"I left him shocked. Even I am to be honest.

"I'm sorry." I ran away from him. So far that I went near a bridged. It was 5 minutes 'til 6 pm. The sunset was so pretty and it helped me clear my thoughts.

 I went home and saw Joshua outside. "Y/N!" He said relieved while hugging me. "Umm hey! Are u ok?" I asked confused. "I- I love you too." He leaned to me kissed me.






The end:>

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