Chapter 1: Meeting the Golden Deer.

Começar do início

Claude: "Of course! They say, he took out armies all by himself! People also said he never had a Crest, yet no one could ever surpass him. People say he was Almyran."

Leonie: "Except Captain Jeralt. That's why he was the first captain of the Knight of Seiros!"

Lorenz: "You are surely mistaken because I heard stories that he was much more powerful than Jeralt."

(Y/N): "It is true, I am Almyran. Before my parents passed, they gave a book to Jeralt which he gave to me when I was old enough." He then shows the cover of the book to the class. "In this book, it tells the many stories of my family. Jeralt even wrote in it once admitting my father was stronger than him. He just never explains why he became the 2nd in command." 

Lorenz: "By the way it sounds, your father was quite the knight. My father told me whenever he wasn't doing knight work, he was helping out the Leicester Alliance and the Holy Kingdom of Faerghus. Never has he once stepped into the empire without being told to."

(Y/N): "Seems you know much about my father, er..."

Lorenz: "Lorenz Hellman Gloucester. A pleasure to meet you."

(Y/N): "Seems like you reminded me to ask about all your names. Class, could you all stand in a line and introduce your name?" 

The class did what (Y/N) asked and walked up to the first students. When he first looked at the girl, he couldn't help but be reminded of someone he knows.

(Y/N): "Well then let's get started. What's your name?"

Lysithea: "My name is Lysithea von Ordelia."

(Y/N): "..."

Lysithea: "Professor, is there something wrong?"

When (Y/N) looked at the girl, he couldn't help but be reminded of someone he knows. (Y/N) then puts his hand over Lysithea's forehead.

(Y/N): " ever had a horn?"

Lysithea: "W-What!? A horn!?"

(Y/N): "It's just that... There is someone I know who also has white hair and has a small horn on her forehead... She's about six years old..." He smiles just remembering her.

Lysithea: "R-Really...?"

(Y/N): "Haha, yes. It's just that you remind me of her so much. Maybe I should ask my men to...N-Nevermind. Sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable." He then walks to the next student. "You seem to be the strongest one here. What's your name?"

Raphael: "My name is Raphael Kirsten. I'm one of the commoners in this house."

(Y/N): "Well, commoner or not, I can't wait to see you in the training grounds." (Y/N) then walks down the line.

Ignatz: "Hello professor, my name is Ignatz Victor. I'm another commoner of the Golden Deer."

(Y/N): "Nice to meet you, Ignatz." He then continues down the line of the Golden Deer. "Hello, and what is your name?"

Marianne: "U-Um, M-Marianne..."

(Y/N): "It's nice to meet you, Marianne." he then looks beside Marianne to see another girl. "And what's your name?"

Hilda: "My name is Hilda Valentine Goneril. It's a pleasure to meet you, professor."

(Y/N): "Likewise."

He then walked up to Claude, Lorenz, and Leonie, the last three students.

(Y/N): "Well, Leonie, it looks like you have something to say."

Descendant of the King of Liberation (FE3H X Male Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora