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G!p 😩
Billie got that big dilf.
Sam pov:

"Come on Sam it's one party, just live a little!" My sister Dina said.
"Excuse you" I said clearly offended.
"It's in an hour make up your mind." Dina said leaving my room.

I lay on my bed in silence not wanting to go to this party. I grabbed my phone and stared at the texts from my friend.


You coming tonight?       
It's a yes or no question Sam
                                                                    Ugh fine, I'll go
Yes! I promise you'll have fun.

I got up from my bed, opening my dresser. I grabbed a black crop top and some baggy black pants. After I slipped them on I grabbed my bag and earphones.

"Your going?" Dina asked me
"Yes hurry up" I said.

*time skip* (Bc im lazy)

Dina pulled up to the house and parked her car. Me and her stepped out of the vehicle and made our way to the door.

Me and Dina stepped into the house and were greeted by the smell of alcohol And sweat.

"Im gonna go get a drink" Dina said walking away.

I stood in the middle of the crowded room looking for someone to talk to.

I was approached by a tall short haired skinny man.

"Hey cutie" he spoke.
"Can I help you?" I asked.
"Nah but I can, here" he said handing me a drink.
"Uh, thanks" I replied grabbing the drink.

Now I don't go to parties a lot but I wasn't dumb enough to accept a drink from a random guy. I threw the drink on the ground and tried walking away them felt my arm being yanked back.

"Let me go!" I yelled as the man picked me up.

He carried me through the crowd and up a flight of stairs.

"Aye let her go!" I heard a female voice yell from behind us.

I turned my head and tried to free myself from the mans grasp. The man opened a door and threw me in a room slamming the door.

I desperately tried to leave but he gripped my legs and pulled me towards the bed in the room.

My pants were yanked off my body by the guy in the room and were thrown somewhere in the room.

"Hey!" I heard the same female voice yell from the doorway.

The guy turned around and I took this as an opportunity to kick him in the stomach. He collapsed onto the floor and I quickly got up from the bed, walking over to the

"Are you ok?" The girl asked me.

I turned around and was greeted by a dark blue haired girl. She had blue eyes that I found myself staring at.

"Hey?" The girl asked again.
"Y-yea I'm fine" I told her.
"Let's get these back on" the girl replied grabbing my pants.

I stepped into the leg and grabbed the woman's shoulders for support. After I slipped them on I turned my head back up to her.

"Billie" she said holding her hand out.
"S-Sam"I replied shaking her hand.

We walked downstairs and made our way to the table and Billie handed me a shot glass.

billie eilish smut. Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora