Parking Lot Fight

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Bayley's POV
The week went by pretty well I guess besides Sasha being Sasha and forcing me to eat lunch which I never really wanted to. Sasha and I exchanged numbers at the end of the week and says "we're going to be the bestest of friends" I may not get the best grades but I'm sure bestest doesn't exist. I check out the window and see that the sun had gone down. "Perfect." I thought to myself as I wrote a note stating that I'm at a friends and I'll be back later. I left the note on the coffee table for my mom once she made it home. I made my way out the house with a pair of black ripped jeans, a Paramore t-shirt, a red and black flannel wrapped around my waist.

I made my way down to this abandoned parking lot not to far from the school yet pretty close to the hospital my mom worked at. As I skated down the road I saw a few other kids around my age heading in the same direction as me. "Sup." One of them said to me. "Sup." I said back as the rest of them either waved or said it back. "I'm Clark, these are my friends Hayley, Kate, Simon and Will." He said to me. "Nice to meet you all, I'm Pam." I say back as I stopped in front of the parking lot. "New around here?" Clark asked and I nodded. "You should hang with my friends and I, we aren't fond of new people but you seem cool Pam." He said once again as he began walking in with me and the rest of his friends following along behind.

Once we made it to the top of the lot we sat pretty close to the edge, our legs hanging over it. "So what school do you attend?" Hayley asked as she looked over at me. "Oh um the one right down the street from here." I say and they nod and Kate gasp. "No way! I go there too, well starting next week but still." She said. "Well looks like you found yourself a friend already." Will said. "I'm a senior I'm not too sure about the rest of you." I say and they all nod. "Yeah so are we but all of us except Kate attend the school across town." Will said speaking for the group. "So what brings you guys here tonight?" I ask curiously. "Just to get away from home, as most teens do." Clark said and I nod knowing that's the same reason I'm here.

The night went on with me and the 5 of them talking and tagging (spray painting) around the parking lot, which resulted in some issues from some other kids. "What the fuck are you doing here?" This huge guy said startling Kate and Will. I rolled my eyes as I turned to face the guy. "Look dude we don't want any trouble, we'll just leave." I say trying to stay civil. "Well your buddies here have been tagging on our property for the longest I think we should teach them and you a lesson don't you guys think so?" He asked his buddies who nodded and stepped closer to the six of us. "Will and Clark you take the big dude, Kate and Hayley you got guy on the left, Simon you got the dude in the back and I'll take the dude to the right." I say to them as we all broke into a fight. Me and the guys about the same height as me started exchanging punches left and right, I had the upper hand until he caught me off guard with a headlock and I quickly elbow him in the stomach and one of his friends turned their attention to me punching me straight in the face which resulted in me having a black eye. "You fucking bitch!" I shout returning the hit just a bit harder as Simon hit him in the head with his skateboard. "Good save Simon!" I said surprised that he'd do that. "Yeah no problem." He said as he went to help the two girls as I finished off my guy. This continued for another 5 minutes or so before we ended up winning the 4 on 6 attack. "Ok so it's agreed we never come back here." Clark said as he held his nose in pain. "Agreed." We all said as we exited. "Hey you really saved our asses Pam, we should hang out more. You've got my number just shoot me a text and we can schedule something." Will said and I nod. "It was nice hanging with you guys but I should head back since it's gotten late and I don't want my eye to swell." I say as I began skating away. "Now to come up with a believable lie." I say to myself.

I got home pretty close to 11 pm and saw my mom sitting on the couch waiting. "Took you long enough Bay- holy forking shirtballs what happened to you eye?" She said and I sighed. "Don't tell me it was another fight!" She said sternly and I rolled my eyes. "It wasn't, I was learning a new trick on my skateboard and it went unsuccessfully and I kissed the sidewalk with my eye." I said back calmly hoping she'd believe me and surely she did. "Well, I hope you don't go kissing the ground again. Get an ice pack from the freezer and get something to eat." She said and I nod. I walk over to the fridge and get an ice pack out the freezer and head up to my room to call Becky and tell her the events of tonight. "Not hungry?" My mom asked and I nod once more. "Yeah just haven't been hungry lately." I say continuing my walk up the stairs and into my room. I pull my phone out my pocket and dial Becky's number, luckily she picked up. "Becks you would not believe the night I had!" I say to her. "Dude what happened?" She asked with excitement in her voice. "So I met this group of kids on my way to this abandoned parking lot and we hit it off from the start, and long story short we ended up getting into a fight with these four guys and man was it fucking insane." I tell her. "As crazy as that is Bayls, I'm glad that you're making new friends out there in Boston but I have to go but I'll call you tomorrow morning my time ofc." Becky said as I heard some shuffling around in the background. "Dude are you having sex or something?" I ask and I hear her sigh. "No asshole I'm just busy right now I'll call you tomorrow ok?" She said and I sigh. "You better not be running away again!" I say before hanging up and lay down placing the ice pack on my eye and try to fall asleep.

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