Do you remember?

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A/N- ok so a few things. 1- hi!! Thanks for clicking, I hope you'll stick around and comment! 2- my one shots aren't going to be in Y/N form, they're going to be names I choose because I HATE y/n. 3- name comes from Out Of The Woods by Taylor Swift, and also August by Taylor Swift
Hope you like this!! TWs: self harm, depression, mentions of eating disorder. It's fluffy though I promise!

"Darling we bleed ourselves dry/ just to touch the stars. That was stars, written by me. I love you all, thanks for watching!" I click the red 'end' button, closing my live stream.

The comments are already flowing in, my favorite thing about having people who listen to my songs- comments. They're mostly positive, along the lines of "wow ok girl" and comments about my lyrics. And then I see a comment right at the bottom that's well worded, polite, and basically makes my heart stop.

"Hey girl, so I just wanted to make sure you were ok, and I'm sorry if this was weird but at 3:56 I saw your sweater ride up and there's a couple of cuts i saw? I seriously am NOT trying to make assumptions but I think it's pretty clear that they are SH. I hope your ok, and I've been there too. My Snapchat is aislynnr23 if you wanted to talk. Seriously hope you're ok!! ♥️" immediately, I click the time stamp and yeah- for a split second you can see three cuts on the my wrist.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2021 ⏰

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