Finding Eden

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I lay in Raphael's arms in God's garden. Our tunics are strewn beside our celestial beings. Raphael's sweet husky aroma gently dances in my nose. At this moment I am completely happy. My happiness is so profound that it's almost bliss. I gently trace Raphael's soft features as he lays there, eyes closed, and a smile gently set on his angelic features. I have never felt as happy as I am now.  Nothing can change the way I feel about him in this blissful moment. 

I gently kiss his cheek and cuddle up to him. I bury my head in his hair and inhale his sweet husky aroma. I sigh, open my eyes, and admire his features. Raphael opens his eyes and stares lovingly into my eyes and smiles. I never want this moment to end, alas it does when the thunderous sound of wings swiftly approaches. Raphael and I sigh, readorn our tunics, and make our way back to the holy library. 

We walk in silence until we reach the Holy Library. Raphael takes my hands in his and looks me in the eyes and says, "We can't tell anyone what we just did, Angel." there is an earnestness in his eyes.

I frown, "Why can't we tell anyone what we just did?" I inquire.

He sighs, "We weren't supposed to do what we just did, Angel, it's forbidden." he gently caresses my cheek with his hand. 

I feel tears threatening to burst through, "What? Forbidden? What do you mean? What did we do?" I ramble on more than I should have. 

Raphael takes a breath, "We shared energy, Angel. We aren't allowed to share energy." he gently kisses my forehead and hugs me, and whispers in my ear, "Don't tell a single angel what we did." he nuzzles my hair and then releases me and walks away. 

I stand there confused, sad, and frightened all at the same time. What did he mean that sharing energy is forbidden? What kind of energy did we share? Maybe there are answers in the Holy Library. I enter the Holy Library and set out on a search about sharing energy and why it's frowned upon. I search through every scroll, every stone tablet, and every book of scripture. There is nothing that suggests, says, or states that energy sharing is forbidden. 

I slump to the floor and look at the disarray around me. I look at the haphazardly stacked stone tablets and the books of scripture strewn about and scrolls stuffed in various places. I just stare at the utter chaos and finally feel at ease with the haphazard organization of the place. A few moments later, I start to feel peckish. I stand up and saunter to my desk. There, still sitting on the desk is the apple that Raphael gave me. I pick it up and take a bite of it without hesitation. 

I am munching on the apple when a soft pitter-patter of bare feet alerts me to the presence of another angel. I quickly hide the apple behind my back and turn to see who it is that is disturbing my peaceful reserve. His golden blonde locks tell me immediately who it is. 

I grumble, "What do you want Lucifer?" 

He beams from ear to ear, "Aziraphale, do you know what caused the brightest light that Heaven has ever seen?" he is bubbling with absolute excitement. 

I take a breath, "No, I don't know what caused it." I adjust my hands behind my back. 

Lucifer notices, "What do you have behind your back?" he encircles me. 

I turn away from him as he does so, "N-nothing, why don't you go back to getting things ready for the Garden of Eden?" I invade his gaze and keep circling away from him.

Lucifer huffs, "Fine, whatever, I'm bored anyway." he saunters out of the Holy Library. 

I wait several minutes to ensure that he has indeed left the Holy Library. I sigh and move my hands from my back and go back to munching on the apple. I finish the apple and tidy up the Holy Library a bit more before I depart and head to God's office. I need to ask her some questions and pray that she doesn't take it the wrong way. I take several breaths on the way there. Why do I feel nervous? This is new and frightening. I pause at the base of the stairs that wind up to God's office. 

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