Chapter 4:Kings and Queens

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Natalie's POV

We start on our way to Telmar. Eustace tells me things about himself and I tell him about me. Turns out, he came from England too with his cousins who turn out to be the Kings and Queens of Narnia.

"Wait" I say and stop him. "Your telling me you found your way to Narnia through a painting?" I ask

He looks at me and laughs. "Yea. I know it sounds weird. That was the first time I came here and I was so freaked out."

Eustace tells me about his journey on King Caspian's ship, The Dawn Tredar. It was quite an amazing story. I start to laugh when he tells me about getting turned into a dragon. "Everyone knows that dragon's treasure is enchanted" I say. He turns towards me and says "Apparently I'm the only one who doesn't because I can't even count how many times people have said that to me whenever I tell them this story"

As we walk, we make it to a large opening. There's a mountain next to us with an opening that was blocked by a large stone.

"I wonder what this place is" I say turning to Eustace.

"I think I know this place. Lucy told me a story about a war against the Talmarines here. It was when they just met King Caspian." He tells me. "It will be dark soon. We should see if there's any way inside there" he said pointing towards where the giant ledge had fallen.

We search for an opening, but we can't find any. "I can't find an opening" I say. "Try moving the rocks. Maybe we can make a small opening to fit through" he says starting to move rocks. I help him and we eventually do make an opening that allows us to slip through.

We get in and start looking around. We walk through the cave and make it to an opening. There was one lit touch. Eustace uses it to light the rest of the room. There was a large open space with tools to make what looked liked weapons.

"Guess they just left it all here" he says.

"Guess so" i say as i walk around. i find another path that leads to somewhere else in the tavern. i call to Eustace. " Look what I found"

"Lets go check it out" he says. This room was also not lit so once again, Eustace used his tourch to light the area up. In the center of the room, there's a giant stone table, cracked right down the middle.

"Oh my..."

"...Aslan" I say finishing his sentance. "Is this...?"

"yep" Eustace says. "Its the stone table..."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17, 2015 ⏰

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