Checking up

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Sportacus and Robbie have been meeting up in secret either in Robbies buncer at night or they would sneak in the zeppelin while nobody was looking, they would just cuddle and fall asleep in each others arms or make out ocasionally, it didn't matter what they were doing as long as theu were together. This has been going on for at least 4 months, time in which Robbie has started wearing more scarfs. It wasn't that they wanted to keep it secret because the others wouldn't accept their love, it was just that they feared that everyone would react negativily  just because they were enemies once and besides, it was way more fun to sneak around but they also wanted to hug and share kisses everytime they met even with people around. Non the less the relationship was evolving beatifully and they would take care of each other, Robbie even tried sports candy, and to his surprise, he really enjoyed them. They found out they had a lot of things in common.

It was a quiet night without even the moonlight because it was covered by thick clouds that were ready to pour at any minute now. Robbie was getting ready to go to sleep alone this time because Sportacus was busy in town all day and he told him to stay there and get a goodnights sleep, of course he regreted his decision immediatly but he knew it was so that his boyfriend wouldn't sumble over his words the next day. Robbie sat down on his chair and tried to get comfortable when all of a sudden the buncer door swung open and Sportacus jumped through it closing it behind and walking twords his boyfriend.

-What? What in the hell are you doing here in the middle of the night i told you to get some sleep. Robbie blurred out confused if it really was him or if he started dreaming already.

-Belive me i tried but the feeling of emtyness in my arms was crushing my heart so i just had to come and see you.
Sportacus said while pouting and taking his hat off and puting it somewhere on a table.

Robbie couln't really say anything else and just held his arms in the air motioning for Sportacus to come twords him. Sportacus jumped in his arms and got comfortable with him. They stayed like that for a while when S stared grinding on Rs leg and thats when R got the memo that he wasn't there just to cuddle so he kissed him slowly to see if S would respond, and to no surprise he did, except this time he wouldn't go with just making out. S was getting handsy and sucking on Rs neck while touching his chest from underneath his shirt. S got took over by the adrenaline and was starting to touch on Rs member. At first R was a little startled but got to liking it. Thats when they took it to the next level with S taking out his bfs member out and strowking slowly while R was whimpering at the new sensation not knowing how else to respond. Ss hand got a little faster twisting it up and down while kissing all over Rs neck. Thats when R got the feeling of something taking over him and thats when he came hard all over Ss hand. He took a few secons to get back to reality and  realise what just happened. His face went red and got up quickly to get a towel to clean up the mess all while Sportacus was chuckling at his boyfriend. After that the both were tired but Robbie couldn't fall asleep because he was still ashemed that he made a mess all over Sportacus.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2021 ⏰

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