Sportacus in action.

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It was a normal day, Sportacus got out of bed at 8 as per usual, had an apple and decided to have a morning run in town so he could meet with the kids and play some bascketball and also to be near if someone was in danger and needed his help. Another reason he was there was so that he could maybe see Robbie around.

Robbie was woken up by the sound of Ziggy and Stephanie shouting at Sportacus to toss them the ball, wierdly he wasn't botherd by the sound when he heard that Sportacus was also there. He got ready for the day and had a giant pice of cake while thinking what he could do to get the attention of his crush today. He was feeling particularlly lazy so he decided to just have a roam around the town and pretend that he isn't distracted by the muscular man that made him get flustered. He grew quite found of Sporacuses move that he once hated so much.

Sportacus got his mind cleared after a good work out but he could feel some eyes starring at him, he knew they were Robbies so that didn't bother him, he aproached him after a while.

-Hey Robbie! What evil plan are you working on today? He asked happily with a hint of sarcasm.

-None of your buisness Sportacus! Said Robbie like he was bothered by the man in front of him.

-Oh wow! You actually said my name corectly for the first time. Sportacus responded excitedly and flatered at the same time.

Robbie blushed at the sight of Sportacus smileing and blurted out:

-W-whaterever Sportapoop, while storming off so that his crush wouldn't see the redness on his face

Sportacus giggled becouse he found Robbies failes attempt at insulting him cute.

A few hours later the cristal on Sportacuses chest started to light up and flicker so he got the gest that someone was in trouble, he did his signature move and rushed in the direction of trouble. There he saw noneother then Robbie hanging from a tree with a lader layed there next to it and from that he figured out what happened.
He rushed to catch Robbie instead of putting the ladder back up.

- C'mon Robbie you can let yourself go, im gonna catch you!

Robbie hesitendly let himself go and get cought in the arms of the man that came to save him.

-See? I told you i would save you!

Then Sportacus looked in his arms where Robbie was, his cheeks turned red and the got butterflies in his stomac...he didn't want to let him go...ever.

-Im fine u can let me go now! Said Robbie while trying to get out of his saviours grip while also blushing and wanting to actually get closer to him.

-What even happeded here? Asked Sportacus after snaping out of it.

-The ladder fell can't you see?! Said Robbie while storming off not wanting to admit that he was reaching for an apple to give to Sportacus, but the ladder failed him.

It was time to go to bed but neither of them could fall asleep becouse they were thinking about what happened between them today.

Sportacus x Robbie (NSFW)Where stories live. Discover now