"That's it?" I pull myself back up to sit straight. "You didn't..." I look away hesitantly.

"Took advantage of you?" He shakes his head. "No, Claire. I didn't have any inappropriate thoughts for you until we kissed for the first time. I respected you then too, just like I do now."

His words make a small smile form on my lips. Vaughn Jackson can truly be anything but a bad guy. Living under my Dad's misogynistic radar has made all men misogynists for me.

"I'm sorry," I apologize, this time for a completely different reason. "I'm sorry I behaved like that with you. I shouldn't have touched you without your permission."

"You were drunk, Claire," he says. "It was your first time and I know what it is like to get drunk for the first time. Sensible decisions are the last thing to be made."

My smile grows at that. I reach for him, crossing the console in between and he is surprised when I press a kiss on his lips. He remains still for a second before curling his hand behind my neck, kissing me back.

Our action is hardly like last night. The kiss isn't sexual; it is just a simple peck with my warm lips pressed against his hotter ones. It makes me realize how wrong I was about him.

Vaughn Jackson isn't just the jackass I considered him to be. He is more than that. He is kind and generous, gentle and loving. He knows the good from the bad and is a perfect balance to my chaotic nature. He makes me want to be with him more and more every day which is a risk.

After all, this thing between us is just for six months — no more, no less.

I let go of him, pulling back when I feel my heart starting to race in my chest. It isn't a good kind of racing. It is the worst kind. The kind which is making me feel more things for him than I want to.

"I should go." I nod unnecessarily, my lips still tingling with his kiss. "Will you pick me up too?"

I look at him and find him staring with the same intensity as mine in his eyes.

"I will, my lady," he jokes, smiling widely to cover up his real emotions but I have already seen them.

I climb down the car and shut the door, not finding the strength to look back at him as I clutch the strap of my bag over my shoulder and walk to the gates.

I have big plans for us today but if he keeps behaving this way, I might lose something of mine to him in the process of making him mine.



Nina turns a little in her seat when she hears me.

"It's nothing." She shrugs.

"You're wearing a ring." I grab her hand and touch the small diamond on her ring finger.

Jesse looks between us with her mouth wide open while Nina blushes hard under my gaze.

"Noah proposed last night," she reveals with a dreamy sigh as she pulls her hand away from mine and looks at the ring.

We are in Mrs. Thompson's marketing class and no one seems to be paying any attention as the lady explains how market prices for different jewels fluctuate in the market. I love fashion and intend to join the marketing side once I graduate but with teachers like Mrs. Thompson, the most interesting subjects can drag you to boredom. The woman's feeble voice lacks the tone of interest. She seems bored herself.

"He proposed?" Jesse whispers, leaning in closer. We are huddled behind the class with our chairs pulled together, talking in low voices. "For real?"

"We've been dating for two years," Nina replies in an obvious tone. "This was meant to come."

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