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Sometimes I feel like I'm so emotional that I don't feel it. It's easy to overreact but to feel raw emotion and to show it is hard. Basically I act before I think. So you would understand that if you see your friend go outside in the middle of a bombing all that would come into your mind is 'follow' and that I did.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" I scream, I follow Silvia outside, she turns around at the sound of my footsteps, "why are you here?, she hisses with disdain, how stupid are you?"

I ignore the hurtful comment that comes regularly out of her mouth and say "covering you" as if I know what I'm talking about, because I know that is the only way she will listen to me. Her eyes contract and she shakes her head "you're going to die". I feel anger crawl inside me. Yes, Silvia chose to go out here despite the fact that she is probably going to die, and I can't go, no, I don't have values that help me decide for myself. Doesn't she get the value of friendship?

I feel this so strongly that I don't answer in fear that I will rant on and on, and, even then I doubt she will take me seriously. Silvia lifts her hand up with a flask in her hands, "okay we can go" she whispers, I nod and begin to turn around until I hear a rustle in the bushes.

I freeze, I hear footsteps, I spin around and what I see before me is what you can only describe as a mutant human. The mutant's skin is tainted mustard yellow and has mangy black hair. I scream, my voice ripples through the forest for three seconds until Silvia slaps her hand over my face, "you're going to attract more of them! You dumbass!" I grind my teeth and think about biting her hand but go against the idea.

The mutant human thing grins, it's terrifying, I shake Silvia's hand from my face and back toward the door, The mutant takes two steps toward me, Silvia opens the door but before we can go in the mutant advances and attacks, I kick at its face in an attempt to fight but, I don't have a weapon and I'm not trained enough to classify as someone who kicks ass.

The mutant grabs ahold of my arm and sinks its pointed needle sharp teeth into my arm, I surpass the urge to scream, but my eyesight contraps until all I can see is darkness, I feel a pulling sensation until I collapse on the ground.

10 hours later

"She's dead"

"Don't be pathetic! She's alive, look she's breathing!"

I cough and sit up,I'm on the floor, the best place to pass out if you were wondering. Silvia, Charlie and Bella are gathered around me, Silvia looks at me weirdly. I don't know if i am supposed to be insulted or laugh, so I close my eyes.

"DON'T CLOSE YOUR EYES" Silvia hollered,my eyes flicker open but instantly sink closed, eyelids feel like cement, "knew it, Silvia muttered, why can't you just listen?"

I glower and stretch my eyes open, why can't Silvia just be nice for once? Of course not that would be impossible. I struggle with my eyes for a few minutes, all I can see is nothing. I stop struggling and breathe, in and out, in and out. I close my eyes forcefully then snap them open.

I see Silvia, Charlie and Bella gathered around me. " Where's Tiffany?" I ask, strengthening my voice so they can't hear the annoying tremble.

"Crimson, lay back down, come on, stop trying to be a hero" Bella says. I glare at her and stand up "where's Tiffany?" I ask again hysterically. Silvia smirks," AHA! We knew this would happen, Tiffany, you can come out!" Tiffany comes out, smiling kindly, "pranked ya!" she says. Charlie chuckles.

My brain starts to buzz. My throat has a lump in it. Why am I reacting so badly? It's just a prank, if I cry then Silvia will just tease me. I'm not weak, I'm strong, don't cry, don't cry, don't cry I think. I smile weakly but tears start to prick at my eyes.

" Gotta go to the loo!" I say joyfully, but there is a tremble in my voice that I'm sure Bella, at least can distinguish.

I run into the nearest room, lock the door and lean against the door. I try to cry, but I can't, I wipe the pinpricks of salty water from my eyes and sigh. I take one last look at the mirror then walk outside.

"Fuck you she should know" I hear Charlie say,

with a pang I realise he is talking about me.

"No! She will freak out, they'll cry, do you want her to cry?" Silvia hisses

"No, you're being a bitch,come on Silvia!" Charlie's hisses back

"No come ons!" Silvia whispers with as much anger as possible

"...Whatever" Charlie says

"THANK you" Silvia remarks

I hear Silvia leave with Charlie and I turn away to face the wall, I see red, anger fills my head and an angry buzzing fills my ears. Then I start to cry, it surprises me but it feels good. My crush on Silvia has never been simple but I know now that nothing is probably going to happen. It hurts but I'd rather die than admit it. Fuck this shit.

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