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Hello everyone.. How are you guys doing.. Hope you & your loved ones are in the pink of your health..
Guys what the hell is happening on social media? Y are all the PS fandoms fighting as if it's a war? I mean is it necessary to create all this unnecessary drama? Please don't go & abuse the actors or the makers. I have said this before & m saying this again, We don't know them personally & even if we knew  we have no right to abuse them.
Let me come to the point straight, few of the fans are messaging me & asking me y did Karan Sir accept your dm?
Firstly it's his choice whether he wants to accept anyone's dm or not. Secondly even if he does y is it bothering you guys? Stop messaging me & asking him to accept your dms he isn't my friend or relative or even if he was m no one to ask him to do anything.
Stop acting like a queen bee, well I heard this statement after a year, thank you darling for finally coming in my dm & messaging me the same thing u did a year back in my anonymous quiz. But I would really appreciate if u show up with your real I'd than the fake one, come on I have a right to know who is my die hard hater..
A big thank u to for thinking so high of me.
Ms attitude ki dukaan dm accept kardiya unhone toh hawa mein mat udd..
To u darling I don't remember talking about this with you, did I? Offcourse I didn't becoz it was between me & my friend. I really wanna how do know all this? U have my password or what?
We didn't ask u to go & apologize him. Maybe ur friend did.
So sweety no one I repeat no one in this world can make me do something I don't will to. I  genuinely felt bad & pissed off when Karan sir said that few fans disturb him. I really appreciate the way he handles all this with such an ease. If I would have been in his shoes I don't what I would have done. Guys please understand this thing that he isn't just Kanwar sir's brother he has his own identity & life stop bothering him.
Have you ever seen urself while u talk to ur best friend, u demotivate them, y do u have a problem when others do that? Oh just want attention, so let's come clean, nice play ha..
Well my lovely admirer as u urself said that how I talk to my "best friend" someone who knows me well. So well if calling your best friend - idiot, stupid, dump or mad is abusing & discouraging statement then darling the things you messaged me are enough for me to take a legal action against u. Always remember one thing when u point out a finger to someone u are pointing back 3 fingers to urself.
Y do u have a separate account for ur poetries? Are poetries even a talent? Post it on ur personal account we are not interested.
So dude yes for me poetry is my life. Just like u have a liberty to message anyone anything ,I too have a liberty to post anything. And also if u are not interested y do follow? Don't do that na & also who are u to tell what I should do & what I shouldn't? Please mind ur own business as I do.
Poetries se kaam nahi bana toh ab stories likhna chalu kardiya? Itna dimaag hai? Kiski copy ki hai baatade..
First of all who the hell are u to question what & y i'm doing something? Never did my family questioned me regarding anything I do, so who gave a right to u to do so? Well I do have my own brains to write, everyone does I believe. Ya I do get inspired by many stories & poetries but that doesn't mean I will copy that story. I as a writer get inspired by my surroundings which isn't wrong. Copying someone's work & getting inspired by it are 2 different things which offcourse u wouldn't understand.

I want to conclude that neither do I bully, bash or abuse anyone nor do I support such things. I am a very straight forward person, if I feel something is wrong then I voice it out without any fear. I am not saying that u should like everyone, it's okay if u don't like someone but u have no right to abuse them or their work. It takes years to build a name. Stop bashing, accusing & abusing anyone. This doesn't make you correct & them wrong.
If anyone is hurt becoz of my above statement than spare me I am not apologizing, the above statement are pure facts & my opinions. At last I just wanna say if u want respect & love from others first learn to do so.
Thank you for your precious time 💞

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