Ch.9 He who remains

Start from the beginning

When the lift stopped, we stepped out and made slow steps into his office.

He who remains was over by his desk, pouring us drinks for some reason.

"Please, take a seat." He told us.

We all slowly took a seat.

He who remains sat on his chair behind the desk.


"Been a long journey for you, hasn't it?" He who remains started, "Lot of running, lot of pain."

"I don't think you quite understand the situation. You've lost." Loki announced, "We found you."

"Duh. Of course you did."

So I was right. He was expecting us.

Was this supposed to happen?

Sylvie stood up and swung her sword at the man.

He quickly dodged, "So, we'd still doing that, hmm?"

He who remains grabbed a file and placed it on his desk.

He routed through it for a few seconds and then placed a few pieces of paper in front of us.

"You can't kill me because I already know what's going to happen."

The paper had everything we had said and done since we got here written on it.

"It's a parlour trick." Loki stated.

"No." I frowned, "You've been expecting us, haven't you? Was this meant to happen?"

He who remains smirked, "Wow, you caught on fast. This was meant to happen. That's exactly why I can get out of the way just before you kill me."


He made a little clay figure and showed us a different version of himself.

Then, he explained about the TVA.

Everything. We knew everything.

Sylvie was having none of it.

She charged past Loki and cut the man's head clean off.

He was gone.

"Why did you do that?" Loki exclaimed.

"Was there really any other way? It doesn't matter if there was because what's done is done." I stated.

"I don't know if I trust you." Sylvie smiled coyly.


"Sylvie, do to really want to do this?"

She hesitated for a second before nodding.

The blonde came towards me and pressed a light kiss to my forehead.



Before I could do anything, a portal opened behind us and Sylvie pushed both of us into it.


We were back in the TVA.

I grabbed Loki's hand, "C'mon, we have to do something."

He nodded, "You're right. Let's go."

This whole thing was a mess.

We walked down the corridors.

I saw Mobius in front of one of the screens.

"That's, what, sixty three new branches in this unit alone?" Mobius stated, "At this point, how are we gonna stop it?"

"We can't." Loki yelled, "It's done, Mobius. We made a terrible mistake."

"What's done?"

"We freed the timeline." I replied, "We found him beyond the storm. A Citadel at the end of time. He's terrifying. He planned everything."

"He's seen everything. He knows everything." Loki added, "Someone is coming. Someone dangerous."

"Take it easy. You're an analyst, right?"

"Mobius, what are you talking about?" I was stunned.

"Who are you? What's you're name?"

This wasn't our universe.

What the hell is going to happen now?


933 words

A/n this is the end. Thanks for reading :)

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