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" ow-" the door opened his head peeking in quick soon as I said that, I held my hand hissing" that brush has fredranoyl in it I can't touch that- he tossed it launching it off the bathroom balcony making my laugh so hard cause he just threw it away " wha? So you have allergies?" I nod

" it burns my skin but I can always tell what it is and their not very common just in certain things" my skin tingles as he holds my hands, he's so warm and smells so nice he has a lavender like scent I hope he knows and it makes me so calm his hand was over mine healing some " wha-?" He questions his healing failing to completely heal the burn it's lessened in its scorching burning pain and itch to just the smallest feeling but it's definitely sore skin " your healing won't work, it's too strong of a allergy" he glared softly his blue eyes darkening holding my hand he rubbed around it softly soothing me with his thumb.  " any way you can know that it's in something before you touch?"

" no.. Wells I have had gloves on my hands and like felt the burn before it actually started so maybe like that? But I have to touch still-"

" I don't want things around that can just burn you, so you'll wear a glove and check very gently I don't like this though-"

" it's okay, it's not many things" I mummer.. " I never told anyone bout any of this"

" not even the mystery man?"

" who?  I have a mystery man?" He nods as I think who would my mystery man be? " oooh you mean Novell? He's not a mystery but he is I understand why you'd call him that but I've known him since I was a child. He's like our dad to us you don't have to worry about not trusting him.."

" our dad?" I try not to.. remember all the fallen ones faces.. all the other kids assigned to numbers I watched be tortured and lead to their death.. " the twenty of us, thirty to fifty. He could only save 20 of us Nd we all have charms to control the power.. he already knew everything I don't know how Nd waited to everyone achieved the power to break out"

" so if he's so strong why-"

" break us out himself?"

" yeah-"

" they didn't keep us in the same place all the time. Eight left to other locations every next injection, they thought it'll increase mortality so if he got to a few.. he would get to the others and more would.."

" baby calm-" his hand on my face I didn't realize I was scratching my wrist starring into the woods... I blinked trying to push back the surging power in me just racing to my finger tips like a hot liquid, begging to pour out to even let out some steam is dangerous. But his scent.. and his touch I started coming closer I hate this " I need promise necklace-" head on his chest his arms enclose around me.. it feels so nice I just hold my eyes closed focusing on him his breathing his heart beat.. he's alive.. he's alive its going to be okay " down. It's okay we going to get ya necklace righ na, what color ya wanna make yo room?"

" hm?" I question looking up at him he hums softly still playing in my hair it's so nice " finna decorate ya room of course-" wha... I don't wanna be alone I don't want someone to come take me away

" ah don wan my own room I like sleeping with you-" he laughed holding my face kissing me.. he has a nice laugh.. I like when he smiles and laughs.. " it's not for ya to sleep in baby it's for ya to just have your own space it's not like us having separate rooms , I wouldn't do that ta us mamas, you so pretty-" I felt warm pushing his face away as he tries to kiss me again he kissed the palm of my hand trying to break threw " s-stop embarrassing me-!"

" awee gimme kiss Emmy ya so shy-"


I huffed softly behind him. I didn't think being mated to a alpha was gonna be anything easy or fun. Nothing close to what I'm experiencing but surprisingly he's... different. He started to move grabbing more items I don't really like this shopping thing and I feel too many people starting I grabbed his arm, pulling me with him as he moved " baby let's get ya some wall stuff anything ya can think you already want-?"

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