Birthday Surprises

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Jones smiled wistfully at his hesitation. "I understand if you have doubts about my sincerity in wishing you a good birthday. Alan and I have made it a rough two years for you. Frankly, I am amazed that you still have the ability to trust people and find the will to keep going. Although I would prefer that you keep out of our business, I know that you have already made up your mind."

She pushed a folder across the desk.

Alex raised an eyebrow. "Mrs. Jones, I hope your idea of a birthday celebration isn't to send me on another mission."

"No, Alex, it's not a mission," she sighed in exasperation. "I am not that heartless."

"Could have fooled me," Alex snorted, pulling the folder towards him and flipping it open. He stared, not quite believing what was inside. "An employment contract?"

Jones tilted her head in acknowledgement. "If you would still like to sign on as an official agent, consider it your birthday present."

Alex hesitated. This was not what he had expected when he saw her in the reception area ten minutes ago. He had thought that the official employment would be sometime after his birthday. That he'd have more time. Not on his birthday. And even with the preparations that they had been making, somehow, he didn't quite expect them to actually give him the legal paperwork to back it up. But this was what he wanted, right? He'd been spending the last few months working towards this moment. So why did it feel so... anticlimactic? Maybe it just hadn't sunk in yet. He was still recovering from Yassen's present after all. Slowly, he nodded. "Yes, I'll sign on."

Jones nodded briskly. "Let's get started then. Unfortunately, there is a lot of paperwork to go through for this. You will be here for the whole morning. I suggest you read through the contract first and ask any questions you may have. Most of our employment contracts are standard, with no negotiations. However, in light of your unique circumstances and experiences, you can negotiate for reasonable things you would like in the contract."

The next two hours were spent reading over the contract with a fine-tooth comb. He did not want to be surprised by anything that may be in the fine print. MI6 had too much power to indulge in saving time and energy in the moment by not reading thoroughly, only to spend even more effort later on trying to escape.

As Alex went through the ten-page employment offer, he saw the standard information included in every hiring process. Official employee as of today, permanent position as an elite agent, level 9 clearance. It was the rank that surprised him. Crawley had said that it usually took more than a decade of service to even have a hope of reaching the rank of senior agent, never mind elite. And as for the pay, there was £500,000 of back pay for all his previous missions, which included damages for the illegality of using him. The full amount had already been deposited into his account today. Going forward, the salary he was being offered was £17,500, which was only half of the highest starting salary for the administrative stuff to take into account that he wasn't a full-time employee. On top of that, there was bonus pay of £1,000 per day for high-risk missions. Little assignments, like the dead drop or surveillance he completed two days ago, did not get any extra pay. An annual performance review would be done to determine his salary increase and discuss his future. Alex noted with amusement that he was paid as an entry level employee for the administrative duties and small assignments but a high ranking one for the actual missions. He doubted this distinction had ever happened before.

Because he was going into the field for high-risk assignments, the contract specified the length of paid leave for different circumstances. After missions and injuries of varying degrees, on top of the military's standard of thirty days that are unrelated to post-op recovery. Plus, mandatory therapy sessions after every mission and annual fitness and psych evaluations. Health and dental care were fully provided and paid for. Pension and life insurance were to be fully contributed by MI6, to be paid out in monthly installments to him when he retires or as a lump sum to his stated beneficiary in the event of his death. All in all, the benefits were quite good. Certainly a world away from their treatment of him in the last two years, even though these were standard. And didn't that just illustrate how badly Blunt had treated him.

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